Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Welcome to the Pan-African News Wire Blog

By Abayomi Azikiwe, Editor

This blog is dedicated to the dissemination of information related to the concerns facing African peoples throughout the continent and the world. We will cover issues involving the political, social, economic and cultural affairs of Africans and peoples of African descent globally.

The Pan-African News Wire was formed in January of 1998. Since this time our dispatches have been published in dozens of newspapers, magazines, websites and blogs. In addition, our reports have been utilized by various radio stations and audio streamer throughout the United States and Canada.

In creating this blog we are seeking to expand our reach and to gather a more diverse readership. Thank you very much for visiting our blog.


  1. I am so glad to have found your blog. I am on a quest to learn about myself as I relate to Africans around the world so that I can effectively teach my children the oneness of African people no matter where we are. Thank you so much. I am really excited about reading every post. Let the learning begin.

  2. Anonymous10:54 PM

    I should email my pal about your post.
