Saturday, November 05, 2005

Event: Fifty Years Plus of Police Brutality
Wayne County Community College, Downtown
1001 W. Fort Street, Detroit, MI 48226
Friday Evening Nov. 18, All Day Sat. Nov. 19

Contact: Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality, Inc.
Tel. (313) 587-6466

Detroit Conference Against Police Brutality to Convene Friday, November 18 & Saturday, November 19 at WCCCD

A conference entitled: "Reshaping Community: Ending 50+ Years of Police Brutality" will convene at Wayne County Community College on Fort Street in downtown Detroit on Friday, November 18 beginning with an awards dinner at 7:00 p.m. This event represents a culmination of organizational and mobilization work designed to eradicate the legacy of police brutality and misconduct in Detroit and around the United States.

The DCAPB along with several other progressive groups including the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) and the Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice (MECAWI) will present this two day event aimed at institutionalizing the struggle for effective community control of law-enforcement and the judiciary in every city and town in the nation.

Some of the presenters and honorees that will be involved and acknowledged at the conference includes: Professor Gloria Aneb House, co-founder of the DCAPB, Atty. Ron Glotta of the National Lawyers Guild, Atty. Elliot Hall of the Dykema Gossett law firm, Prof. Geoffrey Alpert of the University of South Carolina, Prof. James Jackson, Chair of the Criminal Justice Dept. at WCCCD, Mr. Mackie Johnson, a founding member of the Guardians, Atty. Cynthia Heenan of the NLG, Atty. Hugh Davis of the NLG, Mr. Ron Scott of the Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality, Ms. Sandra Hines of the DCAPB, Ms. Tijuana Morris of the DCAPB, Abayomi Azikiwe of MECAWI and the DCAPB, Ms. Valerie Glenn of the DCAPB, artist Drunken Master, Promotor publisher Alex Thompson, The Movement music productions, Mr. Nathaniel Head, Director of Civil Rights for the United Auto Workers (UAW), Atty. George Washington of the NLG, former City Council President Erma Henderson as well as many others.

The conference will open Friday night at 7:00 p.m. with an awards dinner. This event will honor activists who have fought against police misconduct over the decades. We will also pay special tribute to the families of victims of police brutality in Detroit. Tickets are available and can be obtained by contacting the DCAPB at (313) 587-6466.

Beginning at 9:00 a.m. Saturday morning, November 19, a full day of plenary sessions, workshops and cultural presentations will examine the history and continuing struggle against police misconduct and brutality. The Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality was formed in 1996 and has worked for the last nine years to oppose the abuse of authority by law-enforcement and the courts in the metropolitan area as well as the state of Michigan.

This conference is open to the general public as is co-sponsored by Wayne County Community College.

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