Sunday, October 21, 2007

Detroit Coaliton Against Police Brutality Holds Speak Out on Sunday, October 21 at Considine Center, 3:00pm

Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality


A Meeting and Speakout
Sunday, October 21, 2007
3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Considine Recreation Center
8904 Woodward at Holbrook, Detroit, MI

Over the last several years, numerous families have been victimized by police brutality. They have faced the loss of loved ones, home invasions, unreasonable searches, seizures, criminalizing incarcerations, and losses of income and property.

On October 21st, as part of the National Day of Protest Against Police Brutality weekend, the Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality will join with these families in a community speakout and potluck dinner.

Bring your family; join the effort to stop police brutality!
Save Our Families! Save Detroit! Fight Police Brutality!

Potluck Dinner Provided
To participate, and/or bring food, call:
313 963 8116 OR
313 587 6466,
or email:

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