Saturday, October 20, 2007

Monica Moorehead Speaks Today on Marxism, Reparations and the Black Freedom Struggle, 5:00pm

Important Public Meeting Featuring Author on Reparations and the African-American National Question From a Marxist Perspective

We want to invite you to an interesting talk on recent developments in the struggle for reparations in the United States. This meeting will feature internationally acclaimed author and activist, Monica Moorehead, the managing editor of Workers World Newspaper based in New York City.

As well as an important talk by Monica Moorehead described below, this meeting will feature a 10 minute video on a tour of the lower ninth ward in early September of this year taken during the International Tribunal on Katrina, as well as the one hour documentary, "Welcome to New Orleans" which focuses on the racist repression in New Orleans after Katrina.



Special Guest Speaker
Workers World Party national leader and
managing editor of Workers World newspaper

Saturday, October 20, 2007, 5:00 p.m.
5920 Second Avenue, Detroit
North of Wayne State University – corner of Antoinette and Second Avenue
Dinner Served (Donation: $5/$1-students & unemployed)

Book signing and talk on the
Struggle Against NATIONAL OPPRESSION AND Racism Today
-Freedom for the Jena Six
-Justice and the right of return for Hurricane Katrina survivors
-Video of recent Katrina tribunal
-Why Marxists support reparations for the Black Nation

The recently re-released book “Marxism, Reparations and the Black Freedom Struggle,” edited by Monica Moorehead, will be available at the meeting at a special sale price!

WORKERS WORLD PARTY (313) 831-0750

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