Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Moratorium on Foreclosures Now!: Detroit Press Conference & Victory Rally for Rubie Curl-Pinkins, Aug. 22, 5:00pm

For Immediate Release

Media Advisory

Event: Victory celebration at Rubie Curl-Pinkins' Home
Friday, August 22, 5 PM
1769 Holden (just south of Grand Boulevard), Detroit
Contact: Moratorium Now Coalition
Telephone: 313.671.3715
E-mail: moratorium@moratorium-mi.org
URL: http://www.moratorium-mi.org

Press Conference and Victory Celebration for Rubi Curl-Pinkns

Join coalition activists in celebrating the victory over Countrywide. Last week, Ms. Curl-Pinkins paid off the vultures at Countrywide and can now continue to live in her home of the last 45 years. Countrywide backed off on their plans to evict Ms. Curl-Pinkins after a strong rally at her home and picket of Bank of America.

We will be holding a press conference announcing the peoples victory and the start of a new campaign against Countrywide/Bank of America!

We will also be announcing plans for the September 17, 2008 March in Lansing.

Additional information:

New, expanded office hours

Monday - 11 AM to 7 PM, followed by a staff/organizing meeting at 7 PM

Tuesday - 11 AM to 8 PM

Wednesday - 11 AM to 3 PM

Thursday - 11 AM to 8 PM

Friday - 11 AM to 3 PM

Stop by to help - no appointment necessary. Everyday, organizers will depart from the office to do outreach throughout the metro Detroit area for the Moratorium and the Sept. 17 Demonstration in Lansing.

Office location: 4th floor, Central United Methodist Church, 23 E. Adams at Woodward, Detroit.

Phone: 313-887-4344

Labor Day Weekend Outreach

The Labor Day weekend in a very busy weekend. It is the best chance that we have to do major leafleting and to signup people for buses to Lansing on Sept. 17. We need your support and participation at the following:

Friday-Monday, Aug. 29 - Sept. 1, Detroit International Jazz Festival

Leafleting and bus signups. Meet at the corner of Woodward & E. Jefferson, across from Hart Plaza. Call for times.

Monday, Sept. 1, Labor Day Parade, Detroit

Gather at Grand Circus Park at 9 AM. We will have a banner, sound system, signs, and thousands of leaflets to distribute. We need a massive presence.

Monday, Sept. 1, Annual Mackinaw Bridge Walk

Join our northern Michigan sisters and brothers in leafleting and organizing for the Sept. 17 March on Lansing. Call for more details.

Other activities

If you know of other activities that should be leafleted, don't be shy - go out there and publicize the Sept. 17 demonstration. If you have a meeting, church function, family reunion, or any other gathering, and you need a speaker, contact the Moratorium office and we will provide one.

Transportation for the Sept. 17 Demonstration in Lansing

Call and reserve your bus seat today! If you plan on driving to Lansing for the demonstration, please consider taking others. We will be coordinating carpooling as well as bus transportation.

Help us reserve additional buses. If your church or community organization has a bus or a van that could be used to bring people to Lansing, call us immediately. We need every bus and van for this mobilization.

We need funds. Consider a donation to help the coalition pay for leaflets and phone calls. If you cannot attend the demonstration on Sept. 17, please consider purchasing a seat for someone else to go in your place - send a rep!

Moratorium NOW! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures and Evictions

email: moratorium@moratorium-mi.org
phone: 313-877-4344

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