Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Dr. Nthato Motlana, Former Anti-Apartheid Activist, Mandela Family Physician, Joins the Ancestors

JOHANNESBURG 1 December 2008 Sapa


Anti-apartheid activist, businessman and Mandela family physician Nthato Motlana has died after a long battle with cancer, the Nelson Mandela Foundation said on Monday.

Motlana, one of the foundation's trustees, died on Sunday night at his Johannesburg home.

"We mourn his loss, and offer our deepest condolences and solidarity with his family and many friends at this difficult time," said the foundation in a statement.

Motlana was one of the accused, with Mandela and 18 others in the 1952 Defiance Campaign Trial.

"All the accused were convicted for their role in a campaign of peaceful protests against apartheid laws. They were sentenced to nine months in jail with hard labour suspended for two years."

Motlana was also detained after the 1976 students' uprising, being a leading member of the Soweto community and vice chair of the Black Parent's Association at the time.

Motlana was also chairman of the Soweto Committee of Ten, one of the organisation banned by the apartheid government on 19 October 1977 on what became known as "Black Wednesday".

In March this year Motlana attended a reunion with Mandela and other activists involved in the Defiance Campaign, Treason and Rivonia trials at the Nelson Mandela Foundation in Johannesburg.

Motlana was also an award-winning businessman. He was granted a lifetime achievement award in 2007 by the Financial Mail for his role in business and community involvement.

The award praised him as one of the "few individuals who paved the way for black business people who play in the black economic empowerment space today".

On Monday Nelson Mandela sent a message to Motlana's family, saying his death was a "hard blow".

"We have traveled a long road together, through many decades of the struggle against apartheid and the years of building democracy.

"His unfailing support for our family during the prison years is something we will never forget. Motlana was a patriot of special quality who had made contributions in a variety of field.

"Hamba kahle," said Mandela.

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