Saturday, January 03, 2009

Detroit Demonstration Against the Siege of Gaza, Thursday, January 8, 4:30pm

For Immediate Release

Media Advisory

Event: Detroit Demonstration Against the Siege of Gaza
Gather at McNamara Bldg., Michigan at Cass, 4:30pm
March to the Central United Methodist Church
Sponsor: Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice
Contact: 313.680.5508

Stop the Genocidal Bombings and Siege of Gaza! Detroit Will Demonstrate in Solidarity With the Palestinian People; Gather at the McNamara Bldg., Thursday, January 8, 4:30pm For a
Mass March Through Downtown Detroit to the Central United Methodist Church

The Michigan Emergency Committee Against War and Injustice (MECAWI) condemns the US-backed Israeli terorist bombings in Gaza, which have resulted in the mass murder of over 450 Palestinians and the serious wounding and displacement of thousands more. We join the angry protests which are growing worldwide against these latest Israeli war crimes.

We condemn the US complicity in the siege and bombings of Gaza and demand an immediate halt to all United States military and other assistance to the outlaw state of Israel. The Zionist state is the largest recipient of US aid in the world and is Washington's outpost in the Middle East. Every single one of the bombs rained down on the people of Gaza, every single fighter jet and helicopter, every piece of artillery and ammunition, is bought and paid for by the United States through funds stolen from the tax dollars of working people.

We demand that President-elect Barack Obama end his silence on the terror attacks and condemn Israel's actions immediately. The millions of people who elected Obama did so in large part because they want peace and the end to endless war and militarism. The murderous onslaught against the people of Gaza requires the voicing of yea or nay--to remain silent is to condone Israel's barbaric genocide against the Palestinian people.

Finally, we demand the immediate cessation of the genocidal bombing campaigns by Israel against the people of Gaza. We stand in solidarity with the people of Gaza and all Palestinian people against US imperialism and the state of Israel.

For more information just contact the numbers listed above. All segments of the Detroit metropolitan population are encouraged to participate in this action.

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