Sunday, January 25, 2009

Iran Prioritizes Ties With Africa

Iran prioritizes ties with Africa

TEHRAN, Jan. 25 (MNA) – First Vice President Parviz Davoudi said here on Sunday that strengthening relations with Africa is atop Iran’s foreign policy agenda.

In a meeting with Kenyan Finance Minister Uhuru Kenyatta, Davoudi expressed hope that bilateral relations between the two countries will increase to the advantage of both nations.

Referring to the low level of trade exchange between the two countries, he said that Tehran is ready to expand all-out ties with Nairobi.

Davoudi pointed out that Iran can share its experiences in technical and engineering fields with Kenya.

Kenyatta, for his part, lauded growing ties between Iran and Kenya.

He praised Iran’s advancements and called for an exchange of Iran’s experiences with his country.

On the global economic meltdown, Kenyatta said this crisis has not affected Iran that is an indication of Iran’s strong economic structure.

Iran and Kenya to enter a new era in relations

In a separate meeting with Kenyatta on Sunday, Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki pointed out that Iran-Kenya ties are entering a new era.

He also insisted that Tehran and Nairobi have a high potential to expand ties in many fields including software industry.

Making a reference to the recent brutalities of Israel in the Gaza Strip, the foreign minister noted that the international community must adopt a common stance in response to the Zionists.

Over 1,300 people were killed and some 5000 others wounded during the Israeli strikes on the Gaza Strip. Civilians constitute the majority.

Kenyatta welcomed expansion of ties with Iran and said Kenya can provide a good market for Iranian products in African countries.

He added that Iranian companies can assist Kenya in fields of energy, gas and water turbines, power plants, assemblage of tractors, and roads construction in Kenya.

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