Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Activists Converge at the People's Summit in Detroit

Activists protest National Summit

June 16, 2009

Activists rallied Monday in front of the Renaissance Center in downtown Detroit to denounce corporate leaders participating in the National Summit, who they say are responsible for the current economic crisis.

Protestors chanted, "Bail out the people, not the banks," while holding signs that cited a range of issues including home foreclosures, evictions, layoffs and school closings.

The demonstration was one of several events the People's Summit and Tent City will host this week to promote awareness of the economic crisis and opposition to the summit.

Other events Monday included a protest at the 36th District Court and a tour of Detroit's neighborhoods, citing the impact of abandoned homes and closed factories.

"People are being thrown out of their homes," said Sandra Hines, 55, of Detroit, who is undergoing her second home foreclosure since 2007. "We got a total breakdown in America ... and no one seems to be concerned."

Business leaders from major companies including Ford Motor Co. and Dow Chemical Co. are meeting at the Renaissance Center through Wednesday to discuss America's future in the global economy.

David Reese, 48, of Detroit said he hoped the demonstration would persuade leaders to focus on people in Detroit and other affected cities.

Chrysler "has been bailed out by Fiat, but who is going to bail out the American people?" Reese said.

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