Friday, September 04, 2009

Despite Racist Attacks in the U.S., Libya Celebrates 40th Anniversary of the Revolution

Despite Racist Attacks in the U.S., Libya Celebrates 40th Anniversary of Revolution

Qaddafi to visit New York amid corporate-generated hysteria

by Abayomi Azikiwe
Editor, Pan-African News Wire

Libyan leader Mummar Qaddafi will attend the annual United Nations General Assembly in New York City later this month amid a corporate-media provoked racist campaign to prevent him from staying in Englewood, New Jersey on a plot of land owned by the country's UN Mission. Libya announced on August 31 that the leader, who is also chairman of the continental African Union, would not stay in Englewood but remain in New York City during the General Assembly gathering of over 150 heads-of-state from around the globe.

This campaign of anti-Libyan hysteria is part of the fallout emanating from the decision by the Scottish government to release Abdel Basset al-Megrahi from prison on August 20. Al-Megrahi was convicted in connection with the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie in December 1998. The Libyan, who is a former airline executive has always maintained his innocence and was in the process of appealing his conviction when he was released. Recently al-Megrahi was diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer and was released by the Scotland government on humanitarian grounds.

In response to the release of al-Megrahi, the U.S. government has resumed political attacks on the Libyan government. President Barack Obama said that the Libyan government should have placed al-Megrahi under house arrest and the welcoming of him by the people of this North African country was a "mistake."

Some Englewood residents and the mayor of this city stated that they would protest Qaddafi's visit and even block him from setting up a tent on the land owned by the Libyan Mission to the United Nations. These efforts represent the renewed attacks on the Libyan government which had been for years labelled as a "terrorist state" by U.S. imperialism.

The U.S. under former President Ronald Reagan bombed Libya in April 1986 killing scores of people. The African country had been subjected to economic sanctions and a ban on flights from other nations.

In a letter published in the New York Times on August 30, Saif Al-Islam El-Qaddafi, the son of the Libyan leader, disputed western press reports that the former political prisoner's return was given a "hero's welcome." He said that the people who welcomed al-Megrahi were largely his relatives and clan members.

Saif Al-Islam El-Qaddafi stated that "Libya has worked with Britain, the United States and other Western countries for more than five years now to defuse the tensions of earlier times, and to promote trade, security and improved relations. I believe that clarifying the facts in the Lockerbie case can only further assist this process." (New York Times, August 30)

Libya Commemorates 40 Years of Revolution

On September 1, 1969, Col. Mummar Qaddafi led a popular coup against the western-backed monarchy of King Idris. The country had been colonized by Italy during the early part of the 20th century and even though it was granted formal independence in 1951, the state remained largely under the influence of the West.

Qaddafi headed a group within the military calling itself the Revolutionary Command Council in 1969 which proclaimed the state as the Libya Arab Republic. The motto of the RCC was "freedom, socialism, and unity and the group pledged itself to eliminating injustice and backwardness. The RCC government negotiated with the United States to evacuate their base in Libya. As a result, U.S. military forces were told to leave Libya and close Wheelus Air Base.

Libya began to provide assistance to various national liberation movements and progressive governments throughout the Arab world and Africa. The government headed by Qaddafi has utilized the vast oil reserves in the country to build up the national infrastructure and to provide education to the Libyan masses and other visitors from throughout the world.

According to the Energy Information Administration "Libya, a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), holds the largest proven oil reserves in Africa, followed by Nigeria and Algeria. The Oil and Gas Journal (OGJ) says that Libya had total proven oil reserves of 43.7 billion barrels as of January 2009, up from 41.5 billion barrels in 2008. About 80 percent of Libya’s proven oil reserves are located in the Sirte basin, which is responsible for 90 percent of the country’s oil output." (Energy Information Administration, Official Energy Statistics From the U.S. Government)

The 40th anniversary celebrations were marked by a special African Union meeting in Libya as well as the erection of large-scale housing developments. According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), "In recent years the entire country has slowly begun to resemble one massive construction site. 'Flats are going up all over Libya,' says business consultant Sami Zaptia. 'After September 1 we expect some announcements as to who exactly is going to get the houses'" (BBC, August 31)

In recent years Libya has emerged from the forced U.S. and British imposed sanctions and isolation. The former colonial power of Italy will honor the 40th anniversary celebration with a display from their Air Force's aerobatics team. Trade between Libya and Italy has expanded significantly over the last few years. Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi had announced plans to attend the commemoration.

This visit marks a tremendous turnaround in Libyan-Italian relations since 1969. After the seizure of power by the Revolutionary Command Council some 20,000 Italians living and working in Libya were expelled.

Business interests and properties controlled by the Italians were confiscated and turned over to the state. The RCC said that this was compensation for the Italian colonization of the country. The Italian government had pledged to pay $5 billion in reparations to the Libyan people for the crimes committed during colonial rule. They also later issued an apology for their conduct during the period of colonialism and neo-colonialism in Libya.

Libya has also extended its economic cooperation agreements with other countries throughout the European continent. The country provides 20 percent of the natural gas supplies to Switzerland. It also has agreements to supply natural gas to Spain and Italy as well.

The Libyans have also held discussions with Britain and the United States about resuming economic cooperation. It was reported that the release of al-Megrahi was related to ongoing negotiations involving oil exploration and importation.

Libya's celebrations of the 40th anniversary of the revolution has been acknowledged by governments throughout the African continent and the world. President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe traveled to Libya to participate in the AU meeting being held there as well as to recognize the achievements of the country over the last four decades.

Libyan special envoy Mr. Mukthar Ganas visited Zimbabwe in early August in order to invite President Mugabe to the AU summit and the revolutionary festivities.

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