Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Madagascar Prime Minister Names Government, Opposition Voices Rejection

Madagascar PM names govt, opposition rejects it

Tue Sep 8, 2009 8:25pm IST

President, prime minister remain in post, opposition mulls setting up parallel government

By Alain Iloniaina

ANTANANARIVO, Sept 8 (Reuters) - Madagascar's Prime Minister Monja Roindefo named a new government on Tuesday which the opposition immediately refused to recognise on the grounds it flouted a previously agreed power-sharing deal.

The oil and mineral-rich island has been rocked by turmoil since Andry Rajoelina ousted former leader Marc Ravalomanana from power in a March coup, scaring off tourists and hurting the economy.

"The new government is not for one party alone. It is for everyone. For me, all four movements are represented," the prime minister said in a televised statement.

Under the terms of a deal agreed last month, the country's power-brokers were supposed to share out the top posts of president, vice president and prime minister to see the island country through to presidential polls.

Roindefo on Tuesday named Rajemison Rakotomahro, a former president of the upper house and one-time close ally of Ravalomanana, as vice president but kept himself and Rajoelina in the posts of prime minister and president.

"I vigorously contest the creation of this government that has been decided upon unilaterally," Ravalomanana told a thousand-strong crowd in central Antananarivo by telephone from exile.

Opposition movements said the nominations contravened the power-sharing deal that Rajoelina and Ravalomanana signed in Mozambique with former presidents Didier Ratsiraka and Albert Zafy.

They said they would convene on Wednesday with the intention of establishing a parallel government.

"The three movements will meet to put in place the institutions agreed under the Maputo agreement," Yves Rakotoarison, a former member of parliament from Ravalomanana's party, told supporters.

Roindefo appointed a second former associate of Ravalomanana, former defence minister Cecile Manorohanpa, as one of three vice prime ministers.

The Ministry of Mines, Oil and Gas went to Mamy Ratovomalala, a former minister during the presidency of Didier Ratsiraka. (Writing by Richard Lough; editing by David Clarke and Sonya Hepinstall)

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