Sunday, September 06, 2009

Zimpapers Launches New Newspaper

Zimpapers launches new newspaper

Herald Reporter

Zimpapers yesterday launched a new newspaper — H-Metro — that reports on issues and events in Harare’s the Metropolitan province.

The tabloid hits the streets on Monday and will cost US50 cents. The launch also coincided with the fifth anniversary of the Southern Times — a joint venture regional newspaper between Zimpapers and New Era of Namibia.

Speaking at the launch and anniversary celebrations, Media, Information and Publicity Minister Webster Shamu said the H-Metro would indeed dominate the Harare market.

"Zimpapers have identified a niche market in which this popular tabloid is set to occupy and, I am sure, it is set to dominate when competition eventually comes," he said.

Minister Shamu stressed the need for journalists and marketers to have a feel of the people, write objectively and to avoid sensationalism.

"It cannot be a vehicle for profitable decadence and ruination of personalities. This is the balance, which Zimpapers is now being called upon to establish and maintain, particularly given the niche market it is now about to enter," he said.

Minister Shamu said the Southern Times would be strengthened and would enter into new markets, particularly Botswana and Mozam-bique, where the paper would be printed in Portuguese.

"The Southern Times expresses the determination by our two governments to deepen and expand relations beyond historical and political foundations. The two sister companies are one on many matters. We need to validate this openness in our small way," he said.

Minister Shamu said the founding of the Southern Times represented a correct reading of the world situation and an attempt to manage the flow of information by those in Southern Africa.

Former Namibian Information and Broadcasting Minister Nangolo Mbumba, former Minister of Information and Publicity Professor Jonathan Moyo, chairman of NamZim board Mr Mathew Goeseb and various business partners from Zimbabwe, South Africa and Zambia attended the function.

Also present were Zimpapers CEO Mr Justin Mutasa, Zimpapers Group Editor-in-Chief Pikirayi Deketeke, editors of other Zimpapers publications and managers and representatives of other sister companies.

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