Thursday, June 10, 2010

African Union Pays Tribute to Dr. Kwame Nkrumah


Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA
P. O. Box 3243
Tele: +251-115 517 700
Fax: +251-11-5 517844


25th May 2010

Your Excellency, John Mahama, Vice President of the Republic of Ghana;
Your Excellency, Kenneth Kaunda, First President of the Republic of Zambia;
Honourable Speaker of Parliament;
Her Ladyship the Chief Justice;
Chairman of the Council of State;
Your Excellencies Veteran Freedom Fighters;
Your Excellencies Leaders of the Pan Africanist Struggle in Africa and the Diaspora;
Your Excellency Adv. Bience Gawanas, Commissioner for Social Affairs;
Honorable Ministers here present;
The Diplomatic Corps;
Distinguished Guests;
Ladies and Gentlemen;

We are gathered here today, 25th May 2010 to pay the customary tribute to our Founding Fathers and Leaders in the Panafricanist movement. On this day, the continent of Africa is observing Africa Day in honour of the Founding Fathers of the Organization of the African Unity.

Today’s celebration of Africa Day is however of special significance because it is taking place during the Centenary of the Birth of Kwame Nkrumah, who lies here, great philosopher and intellectual, consummate politician, outstanding and selfless freedom fighter, passionate lover of his fellow African, Panafricanist and, indeed as acknowledged by many, the greatest African of the 20th Century.

This was a man who was a true son of Africa and who in the exciting years of pre-independent and post-independent Africa, laid out a vision which has stood the test of time and proved relevant even in the 21st Century. We cannot but marvel at the fact that many, many decades on, his ideas appear as fresh and as pertinent as when he first expressed them.

Kwame Nkrumah’s greatness lies in the fact that he was not only a visionary leader but a man of singular determination and action who proved beyond doubt his capacity to move and breath into life his thoughts and ambitions for the African. Thus he is remembered for the material and moral support that he mobilized to give the needed impetus to the various liberation movements and to consolidate the fledgling independence of African States in the hostile international climate of that era.

Nkrumah also played a lead role in the establishment of the Organization of the African Unity in order to translate into concrete terms his dream that not only Ghana but all of Africa should be free and free forever. The African Union Mission, vision and strategy as well as architecture, is to a large extent inspired by Nkrumah’s ideals.

His unyielding belief that our hard won political independence could not be secured without the concomitant economic emancipation of our states was a strong motivating factor behind his exhortation to all Africa to unite. Kwame Nkrumah won the admiration of many on the continent and in the diaspora for his concept of the African personality, as the cornerstone of our self confidence and consolidation of our cultural independence, both prerequisites for our political and economic advancement.

On behalf of the African Union Commission, we salute the Government and the people of Ghana for honouring Kwame Nkrumah for his noble works. Today as we celebrate Nkrumah’s contribution, let us rededicate ourselves to his ideals of integrating the continent, to nurturing peace and security, and promoting prosperity and development. Indeed, this will be a truly lasting and befitting tribute to Nkrumah and his legacy.

Long live the Legacy of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah
Long live the spirit of Pan-Africanism
Long live the African Unity on the continent and beyond
Thank you.

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