Sunday, October 10, 2010

FBI Harassment of Anti-War Activists Continues in Twin Cities

FBI Harassment of Anti-War Activists Continues in Twin Cities

By Staff | October 8, 2010
Fightback News

Minneapolis, MN - FBI agents in Minneapolis went to several homes, Oct. 6 and 7, continuing their campaign of harassment and repression against anti-war and international solidarity activists.

These visits come on the heels of massive Sept. 24 raids in Minneapolis and Chicago, which involved more than 70 agents of the FBI and other federal agencies. The raid targeted activists involved with many groups, including the Palestine Solidarity Group, Students for a Democratic Society, the Twin-Cities Anti-War Committee, the Colombia Action Network and the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

Fourteen anti-war activists and leaders who have been subpoenaed to appear in front of a federal grand jury meeting in Chicago have announced they will not cooperate with the proceedings.

Mick Kelly, whose home was raided Sept. 24, urges everyone in the progressive community to exercise their legal right to not answer questions put to them by FBI agents. “This is a witch-hunt against anyone who is standing up against war and injustice. Tell FBI agents you have nothing to say. Period.” said Kelly.

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