Monday, October 11, 2010

Somalia Clashes Left 12 Dead in Mogadishu

Somalia: Clashes left 12 people dead in Mogadishu

11 Oct, 2010 - 11:11:37 AM

Heavy clashes between Somali government backed by AU/AMISOM troops and insurgent fighters have left at least 12 people dead mostly civilians and 14 others injured in Somali capital, Radio Garowe Reports.

The violence broke out after government troops recaptured districts in northern Mogadishu previously controlled by the fighters.

“People who die are mostly civilians—also businessmen from Daynile after a mortar landed near Hodan district,” witness told Garowe Online in Al-Baraka.

On the other hand, AU peacekeepers fired heavy mortars to northern and southern Somalia—where insurgent controls.

Somali government official’s claims victory over today’s fighting, urging that he saw 2 bodies of Hizbul-islam soldiers.

“TFG troops are still controlling Hodan district, military bases and Sheikh Ali Sufi Mosque are in our hands,” said Maj.Abdikadir Abdullah.

Abdullahi stated the combat erupted Tarabuunka, Hospital ‘main Hospital’ and Taleex Resident, he appealed to continue seizing other bases in that region until they reach Al-Baraka near Shiirkole, where radicals control.

Continuous fighting between insurgents linked to Al-Qaeda and pro-government security forces backed by AU/AMISON has killed thousands of Somalis and displaced hundreds of thousands more, mostly from the capital Mogadishu.

Somalia has had no effective central government for 19 years.

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