Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Somalia News Update: Four Civilians Reported Killed by Military in Mogadishu

Anti Shabab demonstrators killed, injured in Mogadishu

Mogadishu (Mareeg)-At least 4 people killed and 11 others wounded mostly women attending anti Shabab demonstration in the capital Mogadishu after Somali government soldiers opened fire to those people, eyewitness said.

The anti Shabab demonstration was organized by local government of Benadir region headed by Mogadishu mayor, Mohamed Ahmed Tarsan but government forces fired the demonstrators killing 4 and injuring 11 others in Hamar-district, reports said.

Reports indicate that the Somali government wanted to disperse the crowd of people; their attempt to disperse the people became to use live ammunition.

The event occurred in ex-Mogadishu Theater in Hamar-weyne district where Benadir officials were supposed to speak to the demonstrators, but the situation changed into self-escape and everybody ran away.

This is the second action the government troops deliberately massacre civilians as17 people were killed and 60 others wounded in the previous event that occurred 31st of January at Benadir junction in Mogadishu by Somali national army.

Government forces appear to be massacring the innocent civilians in Mogadishu and this event differs from the previous one that people who were killed and injured today were government supporters as they were attending anti-Shabab demonstrators.

This is also another faces demonstrators against Shabab as some of protest makers were arrested in this week by Somali police forces equally.

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Fresh fighting in Mogadishu kills 6, injuries 12 others

Mogadishu (Mareeg)-At least 6 people were killed and over 12 others wounded after heavy fighting between Islamist of Al-shabab and T.F.G forces together with Ahlu-waljame’a backed by the African union peacekeeping forces occurred in Hodan district south Mogadishu, reports said.

The fighting took place in Hodan district in southern part of the capital Mogadishu between Islamist groups of Shabab and Ahlu-sunna Wajama’a backed by the African union peacekeeping troops killing 6 and injuring 12 others, sources said.

Both sides exchanged heavy shells that were falling very far from the warring zones in the capital and most casualties occurred in Waberi district as mortar shells landed on it, residents said.

Ahlu-sunna Waljema army commander, Yonis Ali Jaba claimed victory over the war between them and Al-shabab saying that it was the heaviest one in a period and added that they had also seized some fighters from Shabab.

This is was the heaviest clash between these groups in the capital Mogadishu in this week as though the war in the capital seems endless and most of the casualties reach to the civilians.

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