Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Somalia Resistance Forces Unite to Fight U.S.-backed TFG

Somalia Security Brief

Feb .1 , 2011

Mogadishu, Somalia
By Medeshi

Al Shabaab’s media arm, the al Kata’ib Foundation, released a 25-minute video documenting the December 2010 unification of al Shabaab and Hizb al Islam and celebrating the “Year of Unity.” In the film, al Shabaab spokesman Ali Mohamed Rage announced that the unification of the groups will allow al Shabaab to confront “the global Zionist-Christian Crusade,” and called upon other jihadists worldwide to unite, extending a special appeal to the leaders of Ansar al Islam and the Islamic State of Iraq.

Clashes between protestors and Somaliland security forces in the city of Las Anod left one civilian dead. The city of Las Anod has been a hotbed of tension since October 2007, when Somaliland forces took control after the withdrawal of Puntland soldiers.

Puntland has accused Somaliland of killing civilians in Buhoodle, a town along the Ethiopian border. Reports say that fifteen people died in clashes between militias close to the Puntland administration and al Shabaab security forces.

Transitional Federal Government (TFG) MP Ali Mohamed Farah and Ahmed Diriye, the spokesman of the Hawiye elders of Mogadishu, jointly condemned a January 31, 2011 incident in which TFG soldiers fired anti-aircraft weapons into a crowd of civilians, killing 17 people. The shooting was said to be accidental-CT

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