Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Detroit Demonstration to Demand U.S. Hands Off Libya! No War in North Africa!, Friday, March 11, 4:30-5:30pm

For Immediate Release

Media Advisory on Demonstration and Press Conference

Event: Demonstrate Against U.S. Intervention in Libya, March 11
Public Meeting on U.S. Interference in Libya, Mon., March 14

Date: Friday, March 11, 4:30-5:30pm
Location: McNamara Federal Bldg., Michigan ave. at Cass, Detroit
Sponsor: Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice (MECAWI)
Contact: 313.671.3715
E-mail: panw@africamail.com
URL: http://www.mecawi.org or http://panafricannews.blogspot.com

Demonstrate to Demand U.S. Hands off Libya!!! No Military Intervention in Africa and the Middle East!!!, Fri., March 11

Attend a special meeting of MECAWI and Moratorium NOW! on Mon. March 14

Fund jobs, housing, healthcare, education, and all human needs, not war!!!

Once again the United States government is involved in a military intervention this time in the oil and natural gas producing North African state of Libya, where Washington is supporting a collection of rebel groups that have declared war on the government of Muammar Gaddafi demanding his resignation. Although the Pentagon is directly entanged in three other wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq, there are elements within the Obama administration and the U.S. Congress that are advocating the imposition of a no-fly zone that would require the massive bombing of Libya, killing hundreds if not thousands of people.

The dreaded experiences of Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and other areas of the world should be enough to convince the Pentagon and their advocates in Congress and the corporate media of the futility of deploying large-scale military forces in developing countries in Asia and Africa. Yet the U.S. has dispatched war ships off the coast of Libya and instituted sanctions against the country.

All of these measures are considered acts of war and we are not in favor of policies that lead to further tensions. We support the Latin American states headed by Venezuela who have drafted a peace proposal to end the conflict. Although Libya has agreed to the plan to end the war, it has been rejected outright by the U.S., France and the opposition forces inside the country that are supported by the western states in Europe and North America.

The Libyan people must be allowed to resolve their own internal problems without the interference of the U.S. and other imperialist states. U.S. intervention and occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan, Haiti, Somalia and Pakistan has resulted in further suffering for the people of these countries.

Therefore, as anti-war, peace and social justice activists, we are demanding the withdrawal of all U.S. support for the rebel forces in Libya, the removal of Naval warships off the coast of North Africa, the immediate consideration of the Latin American peace plan for Libya and the banning of any Pentagon, CIA or mercenary involvement in Libya and North Africa as a whole.

Please join us on Friday, March 11 from 4:30-5:30pm in front of the McNamara Bldg. downtown to demand and end to these U.S.-backed provocations. There will also be a special meeting on Libya and North Africa on Mon., March 14 at the regular MECAWI/Moratorium NOW! Coalition meeting at 7:00pm at 5920 Second Ave., near Antoinette.

Libya has the largest oil reserves on the African continent and is also a huge supplier of natural gas to several European states. We strongly believe that Wall Street and the Pentagon's designs on these resources are at the root of U.S. efforts aimed at destabilization and regime-change in Libya.

We demand that the funds used to carry out U.S. military occupations throughout the world be re-directed towards creating jobs, clinics, hospitals, housing, schools, recreation centers and public services. The Libyan people are not our enemies and we do not want war with them which will only benefit the oil firms and banks.

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