Wednesday, March 02, 2011

The Obama Administration's Treachery: U.S. Imperialism Defends Israel and Targets North Africa for Destabilization

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Veto of UN resolution setback to peace - CSP

Sri Lanka Committee for Solidarity with Palestine (CSP) General Secretary Nanda Kaluthanthri has issued the following statement on the US veto of a UN resolution on Israeli settlements.

“The U.S. decision to veto a UN resolution condemning Israel for its continuing violation of international law in building settlements in Palestine under its violent military occupation, though expected, comes as a setback for a peaceful negotiated settlement of the Middle East conflict, especially at a time when the Arabs are clamoring for freedom.

“America’s unreasonable action at the UN does not conform to its principles of human rights, democracy and its proclamation of abiding by international law that it preaches with so much of fanfare.

“America must realize that its unabated and unwavering support for Israel against the just rights of the Palestinians will be seen as yet another failure to uphold the rule of law and justice.

“President Obama must be painfully aware that almost the entire world is appalled at Israel’s inhuman conduct and that this move isolates his nation from the world, considering that 14 nations voted in favour of the resolution.

“By this regrettable action. America becomes vulnerable to the charge of double standards the Palestinians accuse it of.

“Even at this late hour America must realize that only an unshakable stand based on the principles enunciated by the Founding Fathers can secure peace in the region.

“The Middle East peace process has virtually gone nowhere except that it has facilitated more Israeli intransigence with settlements expanding virtually on a daily basis. In the face of this reality the US stands isolated on the world scene along with Israel.”

US military stationed off Libya

The US military said it was “repositioning some naval and air forces” near Libya. The United States has a regular military presence in the Mediterranean Sea and has two aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf area.

ABC News said that amphibious ship USS Kearsarge had left the Red Sea to transit through Suez Canal into the Mediterranean, close to Libya.

USS Kearsarge has armed helicopters and harrier jets on board as well as around 700 Marines.

ABC also said aircraft carrier USS Enterprise had also been kept on ‘high standby alert’ in the Red Sea, though it had not been given orders to move into Mediterranean yet.

But an armed intervention is not imminent, not now at least.

Pentagon spokesperson Dave Lapan said the movement of the American forces was part of the planning of “options and contingency plans” as violence continues in Libya.

Meanwhile, secretary of state Hillary Clinton said the United States is “actively considering” no-fly zone over Libya option.

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