Saturday, July 02, 2011

For Women Artists, Age Is Just A Number

Age is just a number

Saturday, 02 July 2011 01:00
Zimbabwe Herald
By Tafadzwa Zimoyo

It is often said that age ain't nothing but a number and life begins at 40. This has proved true for some female celebrities growing a bit long in the tooth but who have been giving younger celebrities, both local and international, a fine run for their money in the fortune, beauty, sensuality and fame stakes.

By just taking a glimpse at some of these "old roses", the truth of the matter is that they have beaten the "green brigade" hands down in not just holding the secret keys to successfully maintaining their looks, allure but also their longevity.

Whoever coined the phrase, getting better with age like wine should have had the likes of Stella Chiweshe, Pretty Xaba, Sarah Mpofu, Rebecca Chisamba Halle Berry, Demi Moore, Jennifer Aniston and Catherine Zeta Jones and in mind.

These old flames are proving to be still on top of their game, years after debuting into the mainstream of showbiz.

On the contrary, the majority of the younger crop like Tatenda Mavetera, Evangelista Mwatse, Tinopona Katsande, Yulith Ndlovu, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Michelle Williams have shown that they do not have what it takes to climb up and stay atop the ladder of fame.

What is the secret of these women which gives them the vigour to continue excelling long after their peers and the Johnny-come-latelys have given up any pretensions to the crowns of celebrity?

An enduring example from the local scene is that of Sarah Mpofu popularly known as "Tasha" from Amakorokoza. Ever since Sarah who is in her mid-40s, stepped out in the showbiz and the modelling industry, the lady has been a fashion queen babe.

With inimitable style, Sarah knows how to dress age appropriately and still be going bang on trend.

Her style ranges from dressed down jeans, leggings, costumes to fairytale haute couture gowns depending on the occasion.

"There's a time when you are young and worry about other people's opinions of you. It really becomes your opinion yourself in the end. My personality is more conservative than Tasha's.

"I prefer stylish but not too sexy. I say to people just accept your age and dress accordingly. Just accept whatever happens and try to find some good items for your body too," she explained.

The director of Fingers, a dodelling school and casting agency said she likes to explore with her age.

"Don't ever ask a lady her age and anyway age is a difference between minds over, so if you don't mind then it doesn't matter," she said.

Chipo Mashingaidze, former anchor and presenter on the morning show AM Zimbabwe is over 40 years old and still manages to look good without any apparent untoward effort.

She said it is a matter of being principled that makes her tick. "I don't drink, and smoke, I love and have a lot of funny friends and caring family around me. I am over 40 and I walk to keep in shape.

"My dress sense is very formal and I enjoy reading widely and this makes me open up to new ideas and so much information" said the public relations manager for retail giant OK Zimbabwe.

She added that the "old roses" are more mature and experienced and this has made them more prominent.

Pretty Xaba, "The Wedding Dress", star is 45 years old and incredibly busy with voluntary work, theatre making and of course featuring in hit movies like Lobola and has got two pretty daughters too, to look after.

She is still got a body a 30-year-old would kill for. With her trademark dimple smile, and dread locks, Pretty is definitely fit in her 40s.

The actress and NAMA nominee has always maintained herself. She would prefer to grow old gracefully than to go under a knife to keep her youthful, wrinkle free looks.

"You want everything to stay where it is but it doesn't have to be a disaster. I don't know why people think about getting a different face that looks younger. The idea of getting older just to me is having more adventures with them getting to know my kids better and intertwining my life with my husband more", she said.

Siphilsiwe as she is known by her legion of fans from the once popular soap Studio 263 said she bathes in cold water and eat healthy foods.

"I look after myself and I love to eat sadza and drinking tea. I also thank the Lord almighty for my talent and life. With prayer everything is possible. Age is just a number," she said.

Pretty said she is doing very well compared to her younger days and is managing her motherhood and career as well.

"Currently I am happy with what I have. My beautiful daughters are learning at a group A school and I am trying my best to nurture them well," said Pretty.

On a Western note, the "old roses", are making noise as well. Demi Moore, 47, is sexier now than in her 80s heyday. With flawless skin and a perfect figure she is arguably one of the hottest women in Hollywood right now.

And marrying toy boy Ashton Kutcher has got to be good for any woman; the fact that he is constantly making the ‘Strip Tease' actress, Demi smile is an added extra.

The mother of three says: "I don't know if there is one thing that keeps me going. Laughter and smiling are one of the best antidotes to ageing that you can possibly have".

Jennifer Aniston aged 42, popularly known as the rom-com queen has more than she got it and her most alluring feature has to be her hair. No matter how she styles it the world looks on in envy.

Even though she lost to Angelina in the Brad Pitt sweepstakes, she will forever be the woman who led the gorgeous hunk up the aisle, a feat that younger and more beautiful Angie has not yet managed to achieve.

Aniston was responsible for the style phenomenon known as "The Rachel" look in the 1990s and two decades on every woman on the planet and still has severe hair envy when it comes to former Mrs Pitt.

The Just Go It actress said it doesn't take too much to look after herself and her hair. "I just cut my hair here and there and condition it. I drink lots of water. The one thing I noticed in skin is if I stop drinking water, I dehydrate badly and get creepy. Water is important and sleeping", she revealed during an interview with E-Hollywood.

Another forty goddess star is the James Bond star Halle Berry (43) who just seems to get hotter as she grows older. Less than three years ago, having just had a baby, she was voted as the Sexiest Woman Alive.

Halle glows in front of the camera and since giving birth to her daughter Nahla, her beauty has become even more radiant. She says, "I use cleanser, toner, moisturiser and a weekly mask. One big rule is to wash your face as often as you can and to use the right products for your skin type. I try to eat healthily and exercise when I can".

The list will not be meaningful if Catherine Zeta-Jones is not in it. The 41-year- old actress, still knows how to turn on the glamour and put younger stars firmly in the shade when it comes to bring nights out.

Catherine is a curvy girl-but unlike some her peers she admits she has to work hard and keep in shape.

"I'm not going to lie to you. I've got to drag myself down to the gym like everybody else. I also keep my skin clear by applying a mixture of honey and salt all over my body to moisturise and exfoliate and condition my hair with honey and beer. I'm one of those girls who really can say, I can't go out tonight," she said recently at a premiere.

Indeed it is true when they say, "if you can't beat them, join them" meaning let us see and follow what is in store with these old roses.

International stars information source: www.

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