Monday, July 04, 2011

Zimbabwe President Mugabe Calls for End to NATO Bombing of Libya

President calls for end to Nato attacks

Sunday, 03 July 2011 00:54
By Munyaradzi Huni
recently in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea
Zimbabwe Sunday Mail

President Mugabe has said Nato should “stop its terrorist attacks” on Libya as that country’s government and the rebels in Benghazi have undertaken to start a 30-day national dialogue that will exclude Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and will soon be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, under the auspices of the AU high-level ad-hoc committee.

Both parties in the conflict have committed themselves to immediately start the negotiations in accordance with paragraph 2 of the UN Security Council Resolution 1973 (2011) and the AU roadmap that will enable the suspension of hostilities, a comprehensive ceasefire, national reconciliation, arrangements relating to transition as well as the agenda for democratic transformation.

Speaking to journalists at the Harare International Airport soon after his return from Equatorial Guinea yesterday, President Mugabe said most members of the AU were satisfied that the high-level panel had laid a groundwork that facilitates dialogue between all the parties to the Libyan conflict.

“Yes, yes, we are happy. Sadc countries and countries in other parts of Africa were happy with the outcome on Libya. There should be ceasefire and dialogue should start . . . .

“Nato should stop its terrorist attack on Libya. Nato can’t continue attacking Libya because they are not the rulers of the world. The UN should stand against Nato,” said President Mugabe.

The President praised the AU for making a commitment in line with its theme “Accelerating Youth Empowerment for Sustainable Development”, to support the youth, adding that Zimbabwe had, since Independence in 1980, adopted policies such as in the education sector that sought to develop the youths.In its proposals to the Libyan parties during the just-ended 17th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the AU, the ad-hoc committee said following its meeting in Pretoria, South Africa, on June 26, both parties in the conflict had committed themselves to start an inclusive dialogue process “with the participation of the Transitional National Council of Libya, as well as acceptance (by Col Gaddafi) of not being part of the negotiation process.”

South African President Jacob Zuma told journalists after the AU summit last Friday that the summit had adopted the Committee’s proposals and representatives of both parties in the conflict were in agreement with this new framework. Said the Committee in its proposals: “Without prejudice to the outcome of the dialogue, the ceasefire shall, among others, entail the following:

“l lifting of the siege imposed on cities and cantonment of all troops, militias and armed elements from all parties;
--end to all attacks against, and abuses of civilians, including Libyans who were forced to flee their country;
--release of all prisoners and other individuals detained in relation with the current hostilities; and
--facilitation of unrestricted and unhindered access to the civilian population by all international humanitarian agencies and workers.”

The arms embargo, as provided for in the relevant provisions of the UN Security Council resolution 1970(2011) shall remain in place on the entire Libyan territory, until the completion of the transitional period and the holding of elections while measures relating to the imposition of the no-fly zone as provided for in the UN Security Council resolution 1973(2011) will be lifted by the Council at an appropriate date.

“The parties commit themselves to request the United Nations, working closely with the AU and the League of Arab States, to establish and deploy an effective, credible international mechanism, including a sizeable peacekeeping force . . . .

“The ceasefire shall be linked to, and followed by, a political process, which will commence with a consensual and inclusive transition period and culminate with democratic elections to enable the Libyan people to freely choose their leaders,” said the Committee. The transitional period shall entail a transfer of power to an interim government, “to be put in place immediately upon the conclusion of the national dialogue, as well as to other institutions that shall be agreed upon. A provisional constitutional charter will determine the tasks and length of the transitional period, as well as the institutions of the transition and their composition, functions and powers . . . .

The national dialogue shall be completed within a period of 30 days maximum, unless the parties and other stakeholders decide otherwise.”

The committee proposed that the international community should facilitate the lifting of sanctions imposed on Libya, in particular the unfreezing of the Libyan assets abroad, to meet urgent humanitarian needs, support the functioning of the transitional institutions and other related priorities.

The committee also said measures, including sanctions should be taken against those who will undermine the transitional process.-The Sunday Mail

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