Friday, August 05, 2011

Cuban President Meets Libyan Envoy in Havana

Havana. August 4, 2011

Raúl receives Libyan leader’s
special envoy

PRESIDENT Raúl Castro Ruz received on August 3 Abdulhafid M. Zlitni, Minister of Finance and Planning of the General People’s Committee of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamajiriya, who is visiting Cuba as the special envoy of President Muammar Gaddafi.

Abdulhafid M. Zlitni was the bearer of a message from the Libyan leader to the Cuban President, detailing his government’s efforts to confront the campaign of international isolation which the Western powers are attempting to impose on it.

Raúl reiterated Cuba’s most energetic condemnation of the NATO military aggression of Libya, in particular the bombings of civilian facilities resulting in the death of innocent people. He also demanded an immediate cessation of these acts in order to facilitate moves toward a peaceful solution, with full respect for the country’s independence, territorial integrity, sovereignty over its natural resources and the self-determination of the Libyan people. The Cuban president also expressed his support of efforts being made by African Union leaders to achieve that.

The distinguished visitor was accompanied by Ahmed Jarrud, assistant secretary of the General People’s Foreign Liaison Committee and Ali Mohamed Ahmed Ajeili, the Libyan ambassador in Cuba. Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla was also present at the meeting.

Translated by Granma International

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