Tuesday, August 02, 2011

President Chavez of Venezuela Says Libya Has Sent a Delegation to Caracas

Chavez Says Libya’s Qaddafi Sent Him a Letter, Delegation

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi sent him a letter delivered by a delegation that arrived in Caracas last night.

Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro said he would meet the delegation today. Chavez said he may not be able to meet the envoys because he is receiving treatment for an undisclosed form of cancer.

Chavez, who has criticized Western intervention in the Libyan conflict and compared Qaddafi to South American liberator Simon Bolivar, in March proposed an international peace commission to negotiate an end to the unrest in Libya. His offer was rejected by the Libyan rebels.

“Qaddafi has sent some emissaries and a letter,” Chavez said during a telephone interview broadcast on state television today. “There’s Qaddafi, resisting the aggressions of NATO -- they bombed a media outlet -- and the world remains quiet with its arms crossed.”

To contact the reporter on this story: Charlie Devereux in Caracas at cdevereux3@bloomberg.net.

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