Saturday, August 13, 2011

Zimbabwe Defence Forces Ready to Defend Nation

ZDF ready to defend Zim .

Sunday, 07 August 2011 01:10
From Kuda Bwititi in Nyanga

THE Zimbabwe Defence Forces yesterday engaged in an exhilarating mock battle as part of the final stage of the Battalion Group Commanders’ Course at All Arms Battle School in Nyanga.

The spectacle was a culmination of 10 weeks of intensive training for 15 graduate commanders and troops of the Zimbabwe National Army 4.1 combat group, which is the first battalion of 4 Brigade. Several fighter jets, armoured vehicles and AK-47 rifles pummelled makeshift enemy targets in an impressive show of military prowess. Speaking after the exercise, ZDF Commander General Constantine Chiwenga said the drill was an integral aspect of the army, as it simulated real combat.

“This exercise is very important to the army. It is a practical exercise that complements theoretical studies,” he said.

Gen Chiwenga said the ZDF should seek to rise above the effects of the Western-imposed economic sanctions against the country. The sanctions could act as a free lesson on the army’s resilience, he said. “In life, it is the most difficult moments that strengthen you.

Sanctions have made us stronger and they are like a free university that empowers us in terms of resilience.” Gen Chiwenga said the ZDF was capable of defending the country from its enemies. “Our forces are a much-sought-after species. They are a pride not only in

Zimbabwe, but also in the region and across the world. We have raised Zimbabwe’s flag and our efforts in Angola, DRC and other countries speak for themselves.”

Mozambique’s Army Commander, Major-General Graca Tomas Chongo, who, together with some of his troops, visited the country to exchange notes with Zimbabwean counterparts, advocated stronger ties between the forces of the two countries.

-The Sunday Mail

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