Friday, August 05, 2011

Zimbabwe Vice-President Blasts Unproductive Farmers

VP Mujuru blasts lazy farmers

Saturday, 30 July 2011 22:46
By Kuda Bwititi
Zimbabwe Sunday Mail

VICE-PRESIDENT MUJURU has castigated unproductive farmers who are failing to make full use of the land they acquired under the fast-track programme, saying they are bringing the agrarian reforms into disrepute.

Speaking at a field day at Ezintabeni Farm in Chegutu yesterday, she said such farmers were giving ammunition to the country’s detractors to discredit the revolutionary exercise.

“We were given farms but are failing to fully utilise them. What some of us are doing is tantamount to self-destruction. Kunenge kurova ngoma uchishandisa demo,” she said.

Vice-President Mujuru — who is also
Zanu-PF Second Secretary — said the inept farmers were ridiculing the party and President Mugabe who fought hard for the success of the land reform programme.

“We are betraying our President who championed this historic exercise, which was the first of its kind in Africa. We are also shaming our party, Zanu-PF, as our enemies look at us and find reasons to criticise us.

She also criticised greedy party officials who seek multiple farms.

“Some party heavyweights who were allocated farms still want more. They get more and yet do not produce anything.”

She said the party should constantly carry out self-introspection.

“We need to have a system in the party where we identify areas we are getting it wrong and criticise each other (with a view to charting the way forward). We should not wait for our enemies to criticise us.”

Turning to developmental issues, the Vice-President said the cattle industry held immense potential. She also bemoaned the decline in the dairy sector.

“Our dairy sector is a cause for concern because we are importing milk, yet we have the capacity to produce milk for export,” she said.

“You can, therefore, see that the decline in this industry can be traced back to the farmer. It is important to up production in the entire agricultural sector to develop agro-processing industries that can employ thousands of people and boost our economy.”

Speaking at the same occasion, Zanu-PF secretary for production Cde Dzikamai Mavhaire said the cotton sector was failing to realise its full potential.

“The country has the potential to produce 4,5 million tonnes of cotton annually. However, we only produced 350 000 this year. We should make maximum use of the land because laziness is the source of poverty,” he said.

The field day was organised and hosted by Mr and Mrs Matsikiti, who were commended for utilising their six-hectare farm productively.
Zanu-PF national political commissar and Minister of Media, Information and Publicity Cde Webster Shamu; Politburo member Cde Nathan Shamuyarira; Minister of State in the Vice-President’s Office Cde Sylvester Nguni and acting Mashonalad West provincial chairman Cde Reuben Marumahoko were among the guests who graced the occasion.

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