Sunday, January 22, 2012

British Citizen Killed by US Military in Somalia

SOMALIA: Al-Shabab “praises” Bilal Al Berjawi’s death, vows revenge for him

By Abdalle Ahmed

Mogadishu (RBC) Al-Shabab spokesman Sheikh Ali Mohamud Rage [Sheikh Ali Dhere] who confirmed the death of Bilal Al Berjawi, senior Al-Qaeda commander in Somalia late Saturday vowed for revenge attacks against U.S and African Union troops in Somalia [AMISOM].

Ali Dhere said the death of Al Berjawi was a big example for Al Shabab commanders and will maintain attacks against AMISOM troops.

“Sheikh Bilal Al Birjawi, a great Mujahid brother who was in Somalia for a long time was killed today” Sheikh Ali Dhere announced in a press conference in Elasha location on Mogadishu outskirts.

“We take his death as congratulation, Thanks to Allah, because he met what he has migrated to Somalia. His martyrdom dream has just become true”. He added.

“The Americans killed our brother and we will not sit, we will revenge for him in Allah’s wishes” Sheikh Ali Dhere vowed.

Also Al Shabab’s twitter wrote “Brother Bilaal Al-Barjawi, a native of Lebanon also known as Abu Hafsa, attained Martyrdom as a result of the strikes as Allah had ordained”. The feed’s followers praised AlBerjawi.

Bilal Al Berjawi, a British national but originally from Lebanon was hit by a missile launched from unmanned aircraft at KM 13 location on Afgoye corridor.

Three missiles targeted a checkpoint for Al Shabab fighters and killed Al Berjawi. Several other fighters of Al Shabab are reportedly killed in the attack.

Residents in Elasha Biyaha told RBC Radio that they heard loud explosion at around 14:00 (local time) and they saw burning vehicle near the road.

The residents say they believe the bombardment came from AMISOM bases in Mogadishu but Al Shabab spokesman Sheikh Ali Dhere says unmanned aircraft launched the attack.

The killing of Al Berjawi will be seen big blow on Al Shabab’s foreign fighters in Somalia who are currently waging heavy military offensive against Somalia government forces and the AMISOM troops in Mogadishu.

The group has been weakened by constant air raids in southern regions where many of its fighters and commanders were targeted, according to local sources.

Al Berjawi has been in Somalia since 2006 and was helping Al-Shabab fighters in the battle against Somali government and the African Union forces in Mogadishu.

He was once suffered head injuries in a U.S. air attack in Lower Jubba region, southern part of the country on July 2011, but received treatment in Kenya.

Al Berjawi was the second man to Fazul Abdallah, Al-Qaeda’s senior commander in Somalia who was killed in Mogadishu on June 2011 by Somalia government forces.

RBC Radio

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