Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Letter From Antonio Guerrero of the Cuban Five

Havana. January 13, 2012

Antonio Guerrero in Marianna,
Florida prison

Letter to supporters from Tony

Dear Friends,

I am in the prison of my destination, where René's presence of peace, respect, friendship, dedication to study and physical exercise still lingers.

Yes, it is the medium security prison in Mariana, Florida.

A brief summary of my trip:

I left on Thursday the 5th, in the morning from Florence and headed to the airport in Pueblo. To our surprise already waiting for us was the plane from Oklahoma for the first exchange of prisoners, the ones who would stay in that zone of Colorado and those of us who would travel to the Transit Center.

We flew to California. I had never flown so far to the west. I was "close" to Gerardo, because there we picked up those who were leaving Victorville.

Then we had a direct flight of several hours returning to the center of this extensive country, that is to say, to Oklahoma. Nothing new was waiting for me there. I was on the list of the first ones who exited the plane: those of us headed to the "hole."

The authorities there had reserved for me the same cell I had during my last stay there. Yes, the same "solitary place" where various poems of mine were born two years ago.

This time, "the girls" who distribute medications were no one I could recall. There was no time or inspiration for verses. I left Oklahoma this past Tuesday the 10th.

We had another long flight with the destination being Jacksonville. There we were picked up by a bus that took us to the prison in Tallahassee, where we only spent a few hours "sleeping."

At 3 in the morning on the 11th, we were already getting ready to travel by highway to our final destination. It felt to me like an endless trip in a dark morning of heavy rain.

We had not been able to communicate until today the 12th (it always takes 24 hours after arriving to a new prison).

Oh, I almost forgot: this time, finally, there was no "black box".

I have missed you all, although as I said, you have accompanied me and you accompany me always.

Later, I’ll be letting you know about my first impressions here.

Five embraces.


Tony Guerrero Rodríguez

January 12, 2012
FCI Marianna
6:35 a.m.

My new address is:

Antonio Guerrero
Quarters: APACHE A
FCI Marianna
P.O. box 7007
Marianna, FL 32447-7007

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