Monday, March 12, 2012

Expelled ANC Youth League Leader Says He Will Continue to Speak in South Africa

Malema: It's still my party, I can speak to it if I want to


ANC Youth League leader Julius Malema will not ask any political leader for permission to speak at youth league gatherings anywhere in the country.

"I will not ask a provincial leader or national government leader," Malema told a youth league gathering at the Majwemasweu community hall in Brandfort on Sunday.

He had a right to freedom of movement and could go wherever he wanted.

Malema said those who said he needed "a permit" to be in Brandfort were no different from those who, during apartheid, restricted the movement of people.

Referring to unknown powers that had apparently indicated he was not welcome in the Free State, Malema said those requests could not have been in the name of the African National Congress.

He called on members of the youth league to defend the organisation.

The embattled youth leader said the league was not an organisation of beggars and would keep on raising its opinions within the ANC.

He said former youth league leaders should not try to teach the current generation about being radical. Those who had sold out the country's workers could not teach the youth anything about respect, he said, without mentioning names.

Turning to his disciplinary hearing and expulsion from the ANC and youth league, Malema said the league's deputy president Ronald Lamola would lead the organisation if he vacated his position.

"There must never be confusion."

Lamola would lead the youth league in Malema's absence until the league's branches elected a full-time president.

Malema warned there were people who wanted to "confuse" the structures of the youth organisation.

A handful of placards displayed by youth league members at the gathering had slogans expressing criticism of Free State premier Ace Magashule. -- Sapa

Magaqa apologises to Gigaba for 'imperialists' comment


ANC Youth League secretary general Sindiso Magaqa apologised to Public Enterprise Minister Malusi Gigaba on Saturday.

"I would like to apologise to Minister Malusi Gigaba unreservedly and unconditionally," Magaqa said in a statement, as part of the sanction meted out by the ANC's national disciplinary committee.

Magaqa was found guilty of prejudicing the integrity of the organisation and creating divisions by making derogatory remarks about Gigaba, who is also an ANC national executive committee member.

Magaqa accused Gigaba of "pleasing imperialists" when he said the nationalisation debate was hurting foreign investment in South African.

Had Magaqa not apologised he would have been suspended from the ANC for three years. However, the sanction would have been implemented if he were found guilty of misconduct within that time. The sanction would have also applied to his membership of the youth league.

Magaqa was given 15 days to make a public apology to Gigaba.

He was charged together with ANCYL president Julius Malema and spokesperson Floyd Shivambu. Malema was expelled from the ANC and Shivambu was suspended for three years. They were also given 14 days to appeal the sanctions. - Sapa

Source: Mail & Guardian Online
Web Address:

No speaking platform for ANCYL's Pule Mabe


ANC Youth League treasurer general Pule Mabe will not be delivering an address at the North West youth league's Dr Kenneth Kaunda regional conference, the league said on Saturday.

Dismissing media reports suggesting that Mabe was a contender for the position of league president, the ANCYL in the North West said these were "divisive, malicious and scandalous".

"We find it worrying that the media saw fit to run such a story without confirming such a story with legitimate structures of the North West," ANCYL provincial secretary Tshwane Legae said in a statement.

"The provincial executive committee of the North West would like to dismiss the media report that the treasurer general is scheduled to address the regional congress in Dr Kenneth Kaunda [district municipality]."

Legae said Mabe remained part of the collective and was welcome to visit the province at any given time when invited by legitimate structures of the organisation.

While the league has fought to present a united front following the expulsion of its leader Julius Malema, vowing not to replace him, reports have emerged of infighting in the league. Sources said Mabe was attempting to take Malema's job by rallying behind the scenes for the league to accept Malema's expulsion.

The league has come down hard on the rumours, holding a press conference on Monday where Mabe read from a prepared statement, pledging his support for Malema.

"Media detractors should altogether stop using my name to drive divisions within the ANC Youth League, because such attempts will never succeed. I am committed to the struggle for economic freedom in our lifetime and will never sell out the revolution," Mabe said. "We are one. You must not isolate Malema from us. You can try but it won't happen. The youth are ready to liberate themselves. We aren't speaking in a tavern but Luthuli House -- the revolutionary house." -- Sapa with M&G

Source: Mail & Guardian Online
Web Address:

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