Sunday, March 11, 2012

Julius Malema Speaks on Economic Freedom in South Africa

Malema speaks on economic freedom

Saturday, 10 March 2012 20:51

Julius Malema, the defiant and militant African National Congress Youth League leader who was expelled from the party recently, is set to address a mass Economic Freedom Rally this afternoon at Brandfort in Lejweleputswa in the Free State.

Journalists representing international media houses, mainly from the US, Britain, France, Netherlands and other European countries had already arrived in the Free State a day ahead of Malema's address.

Despite being expelled from the ruling party two weeks ago for advocating nationalisation of mines, repossession of white owned land without compensation among others, Malema is widely viewed by unemployed youths and the poor black majority as a champion of economic justice in South Africa.

There were several different meetings by the ANC mother body, South Africa Communist Party and white farmers ahead of Malema's rally.

The ANC Youth League last Monday dismissed the National Disciplinary Committee (NDC) of the ANC's suspension ruling as null and void, thereby standing by Malema.

ANC Youth League Spokesman, Floyd Shivambu, told CAJ News that the rally this afternoon would intensify the struggled for economic liberation in South Africa.

"The Economic Freedom Rally is part of the many mass activities the ANC YL is engaged in as part of intensifying the struggles for economic freedom in our lifetime," said Shivambu.

Before being suspended by the ANC mother body, Malema was frequently in the courts where white farmer groups and human rights activists accused him of being racist .

Malema was brought before the ANC disciplinary committee to face charges of sowing divisions within the party and bringing the organisation to disrepute after he urged fellow Sadc states to campaign for the toppling of Botswana’s government which he said was being used as an instrument by the US against fellow African nations.

Despite all the charges levelled against Malema and his subsequent expulsion, the ANC Youth League memebrs have vehemently refused to accept the dismissal of their leader, arguing that the charges were concocted to victimise Malema.

Following the expulsion from the ANC of leader Julius Malema for sowing division, the league’s special national executive committee has breathed defiance.

“The Youth League will never agree that its leadership be subjected to unfair and unjust treatment or banished for narrow political purposes,” said the defiant youth league.—CAJ.

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