Thursday, March 01, 2012

South Sudan Hails Zimbabwe's Support

South Sudan hails Zimbabwe’s support

Thursday, 01 March 2012 00:00
Herald Reporters

SOUTH Sudanese Minister for National Security General Oyay D Ajak yesterday met President Mugabe at Zanu-PF Headquarters and expressed his country’s appreciation of the support it is receiving from Zimbabwe.

Gen Ajak was leading a delegation of five senior Government officials from the South Sudan Government, including the country’s director-general of external security in the National Security Service Major General Thomas Duoth Guet.

Speaking to journalists after the meeting, Maj Gen Guet said his country’s revolution would not have been a success without Zimbabwe’s support.

“Firstly, we come here to give thanks for the open hands of the Government and people of Zimbabwe. We get tremendous support from President Mugabe and without him our revolution will not have been a success,” he said.

Maj Gen Guet said his country also received support from Ethiopia where they sought refugee during the war with Sudan.

He said he briefed President Mugabe on the ongoing oil negotiations with Sudan, which were being held in Ethiopia.

Maj Gen Guet said the negotiations were being facilitated by the African Union.

“To say Sudan was stealing our oil may be too light but they were actually looting our oil. This issue is now being discussed at AU level,” he said.

Maj Gen Guet said South Sudan was concerned by the killing of former Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gadaffi.

He said Col Gaddaffi helped South Sudan although he later lent support to Sudan.

“We are very saddened by the brutal and inhumane death of Gadaffi. Gaddaffi fought with us, but he later turned and started to support the North but we have forgiven him on all those issues.

“He was a human being and he can be with us today and tomorrow he cannot be with you,” he said.

Maj Gen Guet said their tour of the National Heroes Acre was very informative.

He said the National Heroes Acre was a preserve of the country’s history adding that they will have theirs in Juba soon.

A six-member delegation from South Sudan arrived in Zimbabwe on Tuesday to explore ways of strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries, especially in the security sector.

The delegation leaves the country today.

Gen Ajak had a meeting with his counterpart Minister of State Security in the President’s Office Sydney Sekeramayi on Tuesday before a dinner was hosted in his honour.

The delegation yesterday toured the National Heroes Acre where Gen Ajak laid wreaths on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier before touring several graves of national heroes.

South Sudan, which celebrated its independence on July 9, seceded from the North following a referendum held in January last year.

The southerners voted overwhelmingly in favour of secession, ending Africa’s longest civil war that lasted more than five decades, killing and exiling millions of people.

Zimbabwe pioneered and provided support to the Sudan People’s Liberation Army, then under John Garang.

Gen Ajak said he would want to see more Zimbabweans investing in his country.

The country has prioritised creating investment opportunities in the hotel and wildlife sectors.

South Sudan is a rich country with savanna, mountainous regions and grasslands among other tourist attractions.

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