Tuesday, April 10, 2012

China People's Daily Urges Cadres to Support Bo Xilai Suspension

China People’s Daily Urges Cadres to Support Bo Xilai Suspension

By Bloomberg News - Apr 10, 2012

The Chinese Communist Party’s official People’s Daily urged cadres support the decision to suspend Bo Xilai from his senior party posts after his wife’s arrest on suspicion of murdering a British citizen.

Bo, the former top official in the municipality of Chongqing, was suspended from the Politburo and Central Committee, the official Xinhua News Agency reported late yesterday.

The central committee’s decision to investigate Bo is “completely in accordance with our Party’s fundamental requirement of strict Party governance” and shows the Party’s “firm determination of maintaining its own purity,” according to the front page article by an unidentified editorial writer at the newspaper. “Bo has seriously violated Party discipline, causing damage to the cause and the image of the Party and state.”

Bo’s wife, Gu Kailai, and a domestic helper, Zhang Xiaojun, are “highly suspected” of killing British businessman Neil Heywood, who died in Chongqing in November, according to Xinhua. They have been transferred to judicial authorities on suspicion of intentional homicide, Xinhua said.

Today’s editorial said that the decision “highlights the Party and the government’s apparent attitude of firmly maintaining discipline and laws” that will “certainly get the wholehearted support from the whole party and all of the nation’s people.”

To contact Bloomberg News staff for this story: Yidi Zhao in Beijing at yzhao7@bloomberg.net

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