Sunday, April 08, 2012

George Clooney: CIA's "Volunteer" Spokesman for Horn of Africa

George Clooney: CIA’s “Volunteer” Spokesman for Horn of Africa

Holly-weirdo George “The Looney” Clooney has been one of the CIA/US State Department’s most high profile “volunteer” spokespersons for the Horn of Africa these past few years.

Clooney’s guru for the region is one John Pendergrast, the CIA’s plain clothes specialist for the Horn region and a protégé of Senior Director of US intelligence Gayle Smith (see “Guerilla Mistress to Obama Confidant; The Life and Crimes of Gayle Smith”) presently occupying an office next door to the allegedly “Black President” in the White House USA.

Pendergrast is using “The Looney” Clooney to push the latest phase of the “US Plan To Destabilize Sudan” realizing that the face of a Hollyweird movie star can sell “honesty and sincerity” a lot better than any media presstitute or politrickster.

So !Viola!, George’s face is splashed across television sets world wide bemoaning another “genocide” supposedly brewing in Sudan. Never mind that his whole “Save Dafur” campaign a few years back has been exposed as a fraud (see “Burying the Dafur Genocide Myth”) with over $100 million he helped raise to feed the starving in Dafur unaccounted for.

In 2011, while every day hundreds of South Sudanese children died from preventable water borne diseases and malnutrition, George “The Looney” Clooney choose to spend over $1 million buying satellite photos to “monitor” the South Sudanese Independence Referendum (see “Storm Clouds Over South Sudan”).

As a “volunteer” spokesperson for Pax Americana in the Horn of Africa, George Clooney’s job is to divert attention from the real crimes being committed in the region by the USA’s Henchmen in East Africa, chief amongst them Ethiopia’s Meles Zenawi.

The Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders have both been expelled from most of southern Ethiopia during a drought and famine and George Clooney cries “murderer!” and points his finger at Sudan, which in the Dafur relief effort saw one of the biggest successes in the history of international aid.

For his “volunteer” efforts in helping cover up genocide in the Horn of Africa, intentional or not, George “The Looney” Clooney has qualified his name to be added to the ongoing Nuremberg Tribunal List of international criminals by engaging in, promoting or helping cover up crimes against humanity.

Thomas C. Mountain is the only independent western journalist in the Horn of Africa living and reporting from Eritrea since 2006. He can be reached at thomascmountain at yahoo dot com.

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