Monday, April 09, 2012

Somalia: Explosion Kills 11 in Baidoa


Somalia: Explosion kills 11 in Baidoa

Apr 9, 2012 - 8:19:02 AM

BAIDOA, Somalia Apr 9 2012 (Garowe Online) - A improvised explosive device (IED) that was planted in the middle of a busy street in downtown Baidoa kills civilians, Radio Garowe reports.

The IED whcih the terrorist organization Al Shabaab are being held responsible for kiilled 11 civilians and injured more than 18 people, one of whom was a soldier. Authorities in Baidoa said that Al Shabaab had planted the IED in hopes to kill many TFG troops stationed in Baidoa but instead killed poor civilians shopping in the busy market in central Baidoa.

According to sources the majority of the dead bodies lying motionless in the busy intersection in Baidoa were women."There was a huge explosion next to the meat market and vegetable market where many women were shopping for groceries, the majority killed in the blast were women," said a female shopkeeper that owns business a few blocks from the blast. The injured were rushed to a nearby hospital.

Al Shabaab have not claimed responsibility for the attack but on Sunday vowed to recapture cities in southern and central Somalia which the terrorist organization was uprooted from by allied forces.

The battle continues

In the region of Gedo a battle broke out between Kenyan alongside TFG troops and Al Shabaab that claimed the lives of 8 people on the fighting sides. The battle broke out after Kenyan and TFG troops conducted a military operation on a known Al Shabaab base in a small town called Modaale.

TFG authorities who spoke to local media in Gedo region said that they successfully carried out their operation but did not comment on casualties sustained in the battle.

After a failed attempt by the Al Shabaab to kill Prime Minister Abdiweli Mohamed Gaas the TFG has vowed to continue their battle to rid Al Shabaab from Somalia.


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