Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Sudan Foil SPLM Plot Targeting Its Economic Stability

Sudan Foils SPLM Plots Targeting Its Economic Stability: Ghandour

Sudan Vision - April 03

Khartoum – The ruling National Congress Party (NCP) has revealed a plot by the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) to strangle Sudan’s economy through the use of dilatory tactics at the negotiations especially on the oil dossier.

“The plot to derail Sudan economy is orchestrated to coincide with a military offensive and support to Darfur rebel movements” chairman of the NCP Foreign Relations Sector, Prof. Ibrahim Ghandour, has said in an interview by smc, adding “but their plots have been foiled and they were forced to change their tactics by showing goodwill in the form of extension of an invitation to President Al Bashir to attend a summit in Juba.”

He said the Sudanese Government signed the “Four Freedoms Agreement” in Addis Ababa in order to support peace and development for the benefit of the two nations but, he added, with every new day the SPLM is showing us that it is racist and malicious movement seeking to implement foreign agenda without consideration to the region and the interests of the two countries.

Ghandour said the SPLM attacked Higlig to stop oil production to ruin Sudan’s economy and create difficult life for citizens.

With regard to voices suggesting a union between the North and the South, he said, “this is not on the table”.

Ghandour said the South secession did not encourage separatist tendencies but it availed the opportunity for the SPLM to make the South a springboard to support rebel movements in Darfur, Southern Kordofan and the Blue Nile regions.

The US is now reconsidering, though very slowly, its anti-Sudan drive including economic sanctions he said, adding “ the US also tried to consider the issue of lifting Sudan name from the list of countries sponsoring terrorism but it backed away due to pressures exercised by lobbyists, institutions and companies.

Ghandour went on to say that the US since a long time has been seeking regime change in Khartoum and this is still the desire of some hawks in the US Administration. But, he said, some of them are convinced that regime change by force is impossible but they have not abandoned attempts to change the Government by other means.

According to Ghandour pre-secession oil revenues did not exceed $12 billions out of which 50% used to go to the Government of Southern Sudan and the rest to taxation, customs and production.

He denied the existence of pressure groups within the NCP, saying the ruling party membership is 5 millions. He said the NCP relations with the Umma Party are normal like with all other parties but, comparatively, it is the best relationship between a ruling party and opposition party.

By Al-Sammani Awadallah

1 comment:

  1. It's really sad to see that others would want to have economic stability by means of bad work.

    economic depression
