Monday, April 02, 2012

Zimbabwe Vice President Back Home After Visits to India and Dubai

VP Mujuru back home

Monday, 02 April 2012 00:00
Business Reporter
Zimbabwe Herald

VICE President Mujuru returned home to a hero’s welcome yesterday from a two-weeks’ tour of Indian and Dubai which culminated in her receiving the Distinguished African Amazon Award on Saturday at the Burj Al Arab Hotel in Jameira.

Vice President Mujuru, who was accompanied by Small and Medium scale Enterprises Development Sithembiso Nyoni and her permanent secretary Mr Wusheunesu Munodawafa, was met at Harare International by Women’s Affairs, Gender and Community Development Minister Olivia Muchena and women drawn from business, politics and civil society.

Addressing the women, Vice President Mujuru paid tribute to her late husband General Solomon Mujuru for standing by her and encouraging her in her political career.

She also paid tribute to the women of Zimbabwe, especially the Zanu-PF women’s league for their support through out her career. Vice President Mujuru encouraged civil societies to organise themselves in order to partner Government in developing the country.

“I received this award as a result of the work of the Centre for Economic and Leadership Development, an NGO based in Nigeria. During the conference that they held in Dubai most of the delegates were crying about things that we have already managed to resolve, the issue of inadequate access to land.”

Vice President Mujuru said the award was partly in recognition of her fight to restore family dignity through an initiative called the Family Dignity /Hunhu Kumhuri programme being implemented by her office. During her visit to India Vice president Mujuru had an opportunity to attend and address the 8th India Africa conclave where she emphasized the need for African countries to ship their focus from traditional investors and markets to emerging economic power houses most of which are in the east. These include India and China amongst others.

She also had an opportunity to meet political and business leaders after which she toured some engineering and manufacturing plants in Pune and Bangalore after which she proceeded to Dubai for the International Conference on African women Development from March 27 to 31.

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