Thursday, August 02, 2012

Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor, Featured on Press TV World News: 'Obama's Orders CIA to Bring Down Assad Violates UN Resolution on Syria

Obama’s order to CIA to bring down Assad, violates UN resolution on Syria

To watch this interview with Abayomi Azikiwe, Pan-African News Wire editor, just click on the URL below:

Thu Aug 2, 2012 2:53PM GMT

Uncovered today is a secret order signed by US President Obama earlier this year that gave the CIA and other agencies orders to support armed terror groups against Syria.

Press TV has conducted an interview with Abayomi Azikiwe, political commentator from Detroit and editor of the Pan-African News Wire, about the secret use of the CIA by President Obama that bypassed altogether US Congressional approval, much like the case of Libya before and the increasing role of Turkey against its neighbor. The following is an approximate transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Why is it that President Obama and his team gives itself the right to openly support what many call terrorist activities in Syria?

Azikiwe: The fact of the matter is the government in Syria has been on the hit list of the US now for many years. It’s quite obvious that the US is supporting the so-called Free Syrian Army and the so-called Syrian National Council.

It was reported in the New York Times several weeks ago that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was operating inside of Syria against the Assad government there. It’s quite interesting that they’ve labeled this secret order as an “intelligence finding” and they’re not saying when this order was approved. So it’s quite obvious that it was approved earlier this year and it has been the standard US policy in Syria during this current period.

This order permits the Central Intelligence Agency as well as other agencies within the US government to provide support to these counter-revolutionary armed opposition forces whose only objective is to bring down the Syrian government and they’re using terrorist tactics to do so.

So this is a very serious escalation of the current situation going on Syria right now and it’s a total violation of the United Nations resolution that had been passed and called for UN monitoring and UN peacekeeping within Syria. It also called for the negotiated settlement of this ongoing conflict within Syria.

So I think it is a total violation not only of the United Nation’s mandate in relation to Syria, but also in terms of the actual domestic laws of the US, which is not supposed to authorize war against another country without an act of Congress.

Press TV: At the end of the day what will be the consequences of such open interference?

Azikiwe: There’s going to be more violence - they have already admitted that the armed opposition groups have been provided with surface to air missiles and other types of sophisticated weapons.

It’s also obvious that there has been training and coordination of these armed opposition groups because even according to the corporate media reports that have surfaced over the last several days, they indicate that the so-called Free Syrian Army and other groups that are fighting with arms against the Syrian government are better organized and are trying to carry out more lethal attacks against the Syrian government.

Also, we have to look at the role of Syria’s neighbor, Turkey, which is a member of NATO. It came out today that the US is running a secret command center inside of Turkey and this is being done of course in an effort to actually bring about regime change within Syria itself.

So we have the Central Intelligence agency operating; other unknown US agencies also involved in this operation; Turkey of course being a part of NATO, so you have the broader imperialist alliance that’s involved in this whole effort against the Syrian government.

It clearly represents an escalation of the situation inside of Syria because what has happened over the last few days is that the rebels have been leveled tremendous setbacks in the capital Damascus as well as in the largest city of Aleppo.

So in response to that, the Central Intelligence Agency under the aegis of the Obama administration of course is going to escalate their efforts to carry out their objectives, which is regime change inside of Syria.

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