Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Xinhua Visits Zimpapers in Harare

Xinhua visits Zimpapers

Wednesday, 08 August 2012 00:00
Herald Reporter

Visiting Xinhua News Agency editor-in-chief He Ping has urged local media institutions to stay abreast with technological developments
for the benefit of the country.

He said the media should pay close attention to and adopt latest trends in communication technologies that constitute the new media platforms.

He, who is also a member of the Communist Party of China, was speaking during a meeting with Zimpapers chief executive officer Mr Justin Mutasa, the group’s chief operating officer and editor-in-chief Mr Pikirayi Deketeke, and Zimpapers editors at Herald House yesterday.

“There is need for expanding your operations and as you work towards that, do not ignore the phenomenal growth of blogging, social networking and similar platforms that constitute the so-called new media,” said Mr He.

“We should always be in touch with trends in technology for us to stay competitive.”
He was leading a six-member delegation that has been in the country for the past four days.

The delegation left Zimbabwe yesterday.

He commended Zimpapers for being innovative as the group works on becoming an integrated media house.

“I have been impressed by your history, especially what you have achieved since independence. Your innovative spirit shows that you are determined to reach high levels and it is our hope that with close cooperation, the goals will be achieved,” he said.

He said Xinhua would continue assisting Zimpapers in countering Western propaganda.

“Western news agencies have been distorting the Zimbabwean situation. Our principle in international reporting is to promote justified and balanced reporting. We have interests of developing countries like Zimbabwe at heart and that is why we always focus on positive economic and political developments, than the negative.”

He said Xinhua would be happy to forge partnerships with other media institutions.

Mr Deketeke called for more exchange programmes between Chinese and Zimbabwean media houses.

“We are particularly interested in developing new skills for our people in new media and I think we would benefit tremendously if we establish a training programme that caters for this,” he said.

“The concept of sharing knowledge is vital for both of us, but it would be more effective if it is broadened to concrete co-operation.”

Mr Deketeke chronicled the history of Zimpapers since its formation to date.

“We have moved with time and we are now serving the black majority in Zimbabwe. In our minds is a lot of expansion programmes as we aim to be an integrated media house.”

Mr Mutasa said relations between the two media houses should be strengthened.

“It is our hope that your being here is going to strengthen our relationship. China has been a true friend of Zimbabwe since the liberation struggle and nothing is going to stop us from strengthening our ties.”

The delegation also toured the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation offices at Pockets Hill.

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