Thursday, September 13, 2012

Cuban Commandante Juan Almeida Bosque Honored

September 12, 2012

Comandante Juan Almeida Bosque honored

Eduardo Palomares Calderón
Granma International

TERCER FRENTE, Santiago de Cuba.—Wreaths from the leader of the Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz and President Raúl Castro Ruz were placed at the grave of Comandante Juan Almeida Bosque, on the third anniversary of his death.

The wreath laying ceremony was led by students at the Camilo Cienfuegos Military School, selected for their achievements. They also mounted the guard of honor at the Loma de Esperanza Mausoleum to the heroes and martyrs of the Third Front, founded and led by Almeida, in the heart of the Sierra Maestra.

The honors were headed by family members; Lázaro Expósito Canto, member of the Central Committee and first secretary of the Communist Party in the province; and chiefs and officers of the Revolutionary Armed Forces and the Ministry of the Interior, who laid roses on the tiled area in front of the mausoleum.

As has become tradition, in the name of the people of Santiago de Cuba and all Cubans, hundreds of Tercer Frente inhabitants joined the tribute, walking with flowers in their hands from Cruce de los Baños to the mountainside memorial to the heroic combatants of the Mario Muñoz Third Front.

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