Sunday, September 16, 2012

Non-Aligned Movement's Success A Severe Setback For Iran's Enemies

Nam's success a severe setback for Iran's enemies

Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:56AM GMT
By Anthony Mathew Jacob

There's no doubt that the 16th NAM Summit that successfully wrapped up in the Iranian capital on August 31 dealt a heavy blow to the hegemonic world powers. The very presence of delegates from more than a hundred nations and the heads of states came as a surprise to those who either tried to ignore, downplay or criticize the NAM summit."

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The most important piece of information that international media chose to ignore, is the fact that it's not just Iran's turn to be the chair of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), but it was elected to be the chair at the last meeting in Cairo when Egypt held the chairmanship.

Undeniably, despite all the attempts by the Europeans, the United States, and the Israelis to isolate Iran politically, Iran remains a political force for other countries in the world. Indeed, it remains a legitimate nation, and therefore won election to being the chair of this Non-Aligned meeting.

There's no doubt that the 16th NAM Summit that successfully wrapped up in the Iranian capital on August 31 dealt a heavy blow to the hegemonic world powers. The very presence of delegates from more than a hundred nations and the heads of states came as a surprise to those who either tried to ignore, downplay or criticize the NAM summit. The Non-Aligned Movement or NAM, an international organization with 120 member states and 21 observer countries, is considered as not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc. The organization was founded in the former Yugoslavia in 1961, and its member states account for nearly two-thirds of the UN members and 55% of the world population. NAM's purpose, as stated in the Havana Declaration of 1979, is to ensure the national independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of non-aligned countries.

What made NAM so important this year was the fact that The Islamic Republic of Iran assumed its presidency from Egypt. The chair will now be held for the next three years by a nation which is the biggest victim of dominating inhuman policies of the international bullies. The NAM summit gave Tehran a voice to defend itself and those being oppressed at the hands of evil world powers. However, no stone was left unturned in an attempt to crush this voice, even before the summit could begin the world witnessed huge drama regarding the presence of heads of states and diplomats, western media houses were singing hymns of the summit's failure. The United States of America, the torch-bearer of human rights and its ally, the Zionist regime of Israel tried their level best to dissuade nations from attending the summit in Tehran saying their attendance confers legitimacy on Tehran's regime.

In a press conference before the 16th NAM summit, the U.S State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland said that "Iran is undeserving of a high-level diplomatic visit by Egyptian President Mohammad Morsi and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon." Sadly, neither the Egyptian president nor the U.N secretary general paid heed to her calls.

The Israeli prime minister on his part made a personal phone call to the top U.N diplomat to discourage him from attending the summit in Tehran. He was quoted by the Times of Israel as follows:
"During your tenure as UN secretary-general, you have acted fairly. This is why I was so disappointed to hear about your intention to attend the non-aligned summit that will be held in Tehran at the end of the month, even if it is not your intention, your visit will grant legitimacy to a regime that is the greatest threat to world peace and security." He is also said to have warned the diplomat that his trip would be a 'major mistake' and called the summit "a stain on humanity". Unfortunately, for the Israeli premier, the U.N secretary General chose to commit this 'major mistake' through his active participation in the NAM summit and furthermore there were a hundred and twenty nations that participated in what he called the 'stain on humanity'.

The presence of about thirty five heads of states, hundreds of high ranking delegates and international diplomats refuted all theories of Iran's isolation. Almost all members supported a diplomatic solution to Iran's nuclear program and rejected the illegitimate sanctions imposed by the U.S and other western countries. The summit served as a platform for Iran to defend itself against the false propaganda's it is often subjected to.

Major issues discussed in the summit included Iran's civilian nuclear program and the illegitimate sanctions imposed on Tehran; other issues that topped the agenda were the unrest in Syria, Palestinian struggle and recognition of their rights, and a call to unify against the tyrant super-powers.

The Supreme leader of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Khamenei in his inaugural speech said that "the US and its accomplices protect the interests of the West in the name of “human rights”, interfere militarily in other countries in the name of “democracy” and target defenseless people in villages and cities with their bombs and weapons in the name of “combating terrorism”. “Using their exclusive and organized media network, they (the West) disguise their lies as the truth, their falsehood as true, and their oppression as efforts to promote justice. In contrast, they brand as lies every true statement that exposes their deceit and label every legitimate demand as roguish.”

The leader stressed the significance of firm, logical and comprehensive bonds between the NAM member states to find a remedy to the ongoing flawed and harmful situation and unjust global domination.

NAM's success is not just limited to the Iranians, but to every human being who loves freedom, justice and equality. The triumph of this summit does not mean that the world will change overnight, but the foundations have been laid, the path has been shown, he who wishes to follow will do so. In the words of Imam Ali (a.s): "You have been shown, if you only care to see; you have been advised if you care to take advantage of advice; you have been told if you care to listen to good counsels."


A graduate of the University of Mumbai, Anthony Mathew Jacob writes on the Middle East and the US issues and generally incorporates Islamic teachings in his articles. Anthony Mathew Jacob is currently studying Islamic Theology at Jamiatul Mustafa International University in Qom. Jacob is a frequent contributor to Press TV.

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