Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sudan Ruling Party Concerned About Abuse of National Issues in US Elections

Sudan: Khartoum Concerned By Involvement of Sudan's Issues in U.S. Elections

11 September 2012
Sudan Tribune

Khartoum — The ruling National Congress Party (NCP) has voiced concern over the involvement of Sudan's issues in the campaign of U.S. presidential election, urging the American administration to observe some neutrality in this respect.

The statements some after the arrival of the leadership of Sudan People's Liberation Movement- North (SPLM-N) to Washington for talks with the American officials, as the peace talks over Blue Nile and South Kordofan conflict have resumed in Addis Ababa this week.

Issues like Washington support to the newly independent South Sudan or the humanitarian aid to civilians in the rebel held areas are part of the programme of both Republican candidate Mitt Romney and incumbent president Barak Obama in the campaign.

Speaking to the press at the NCP premises in Khartoum on Tuesday evening; Badr El-Din Ahmed Ibrahim, NCP spokesperson said they hope that the issues of Sudan should not be exploited by the US Administration during the presidential race.

Ibrahim said USA must stand in neutral stance as they are one of the countries which sponsored the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and co-signed it as witnesses together with Norway and UK.

The official went to warn against pressures saying that Khartoum would not yield to foreign intervention in the talks with the South Sudan. He added it is not in the interest of the U.S. or the U.N. to put pressures to reach an agreement between the two countries.

U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice accused Khartoum last week of hampering the efforts of the African mediation to establish a buffer zone between Sudan and South Sudan and urged to allow the export of South Sudan oil.

Speaking about the Sudanese rebels, he said their trip to Washington revealed to the Sudanese public opinion the way the rebels mange to find solutions for the problems of the country by seeking foreign support.

He also said the SPLM-N bears the responsibility of any Western intervention in the Sudanese affairs. He added that SPLM-N's resort to USA is worthless, stressing that Sudan have the sovereign rights to manage its own internal affairs.

He further went to say that there would be ne no talks with the SPLM-N and negotiations would only be with the representatives of Blue Nile and South Kordofan.

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