Monday, May 27, 2013

Vote Wisely to Preserve Zimbabwe's Resources, Says President of Senate

Vote wisely to preserve country’s resources

Sunday, 26 May 2013 22:47
Herald Reporter

THE electorate should vote for Zanu-PF in the forthcoming harmonised elections to preserve the country’s land and natural resources that are under siege from Western countries, Chegutu Senator Cde Edna Madzongwe has said.

Cde Madzongwe, who is also Senate President, said the revolutionary party was the only party in the inclusive Government with clear empowerment programmes.

She made the remarks in Mhondoro last Friday during the handover of 18 bulls to villagers in Mhondoro Mubaira constituency under a cattle breeding programme initiated by the constituency’s legislator Cde Sylvester Nguni.

The bulls, supplied by Makera Cattle Company, a firm specialising in beef production, are part of Zanu-PF’s efforts to restock the national herd.

The Mhondoro-Mubaira cattle breeding programme has so far seen 104 bulls, of different breeds, being introduced in the area since 2010 to produce top quality calves and augment farmers’ income.

“Zanu-PF is the only political party that has seen the majority of people having land, of different scales, and now we are focusing on economic empowerment through the indigenisation programme,” said Cde Madzongwe.

“With elections just around the corner, I urge you to vote resoundingly for President Mugabe’s leadership as we fight to consolidate the gains we have made since independence.”

Cde Madzongwe said the Community Share Ownership Trusts launched in Mashonaland West province by President Mugabe were paying dividends, with people benefiting from various projects being undertaken in their communities.

“The party saw it fit to introduce the Trusts and the masses are now benefiting from resources in their areas,” she said.

She urged aspiring candidates, who want to take part in the forthcoming polls, to stop electioneering saying they should follow the party procedure.

“Some are already campaigning before the dates are even announced and this is against the party rules and regulations. The time shall come and to people we say stop being used and bought by useless things like beer. Think of tomorrow.”

Mashonaland West Governor Faber Chidarikire assured the electorate that the mobile voter registration would be re-introduced before the elections.

“We know some had difficulties in registering as voters during the programme carried out in the past few weeks and Government is doing something to ensure everyone qualifying becomes a registered voter before the elections,” he said.

“My advice to you is that as you vote, vote for someone whom you see fit to bring development to your area.”

Cde Nguni said cattle ranching, if taken seriously, would resuscitate the economy. “Such programmes are essential to our lives and the economy at large. As such, let us safeguard the bulls and put them to good use,” he said.

“This is another stage of the land reform that should be given the necessary support.” The event was attended by Mashonaland West provincial chairman Cde John Mafa and traditional leaders.

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