Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Julius Malema Backs ZANU-PF

Malema backs Zanu-PF

July 31, 2013
Zimbabwe Herald

Newly formed South African political party, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) yesterday called on Zimbabweans to vote overwhelmingly for Zanu-PF in the July 31 harmonised elections to protect the gains of the war of liberation.The EFF party is led by former ANC youth league leader Julius Malema.

“The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) calls upon the revolutionary people of Zimbabwe to defend the Zimbabwean revolution by voting for Zanu-PF and retaining comrade Robert Mugabe as the President of that liberated nation,” the party said in a statement.

“The gains of the Zimbabwean revolution must be defended.

“These gains find concrete expression in the historic and unparalleled land redistribution programme that took land from 4 000 white settler farmers who owed 80 percent of Zimbabwean land, and redistributed it to more than 274 000 Zimbabweans! It is your victory. Defend it by any means necessary!”

The EFF said Zimbabweans stood to benefit economically by retaining a Zanu-PF government which has over the years implemented pro-poor policies aimed at uplifting the lives of ordinary Zimbabweans.

The party saluted Zimbabweans for enduring and surviving a brutal and illegal economic sanctions embargo imposed by the West as punishment for returning the stolen land to its rightful owners.

“The people of Zimbabwe have been punished as a strategy to separate the people from the revolutionary leadership of Zanu-PF and leadership of President Mugabe. We say do not allow the schemes of the enemies of Africa to succeed. Vote for liberation! Vote Zanu-PF!

“We implore the people Zimbabwe to realise that the Zimbabwean revolution is still under massive attacks and new plots are being hatched and new schemes cooked to reverse the gains you have made.

“The demonisation of Zanu-PF and comrade Mugabe is part of the plot to divide the nation for re-colonisation,” it said.

The EFF also called on Zanu-PF to continue implementing the indigenisation programme in order to complete the economic emancipation of the black majority.

The party warned the electorate not to be swayed into thinking that the western funded MDC-T would bring economic salvation to the country.

“We say you have already suffered enough for your liberation now; defend and deepen it; only Zanu-PF has demonstrated beyond doubt that it has the foresight, courage and never-die spirit as warriors for African dignity.

“We warn the people of Zimbabwe not to hand over your country to the stooges of the West in the form of Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC-T.

“Zimbabwe has its land back. We in South Africa draw courage and inspiration from your achievements.

“In South Africa we remain landless, poor and under attack from racism every single day of our existence. Our freedom is empty words.

“We note with joy the indigenisation programme which now extends decolonisation of the economy through ownership of the economy by Zimbabweans.”

The party noted that the indigenisation programme was a threat to western imperialism, hence their continued demonisation of the noble programme.

“We call on the Zimbabwean people to defend, deepen and fast track the indigenisation programme to complete this second and most difficult phase of your glorious revolution.

“You know who your true leaders are! You know which party can and has stood against Western arrogance and has emerged victorious.”

Zimbabwe votes on Wednesday in a crucial election that Zanu PF’s President Robert Mugabe has been widely tipped to win over his fiercest rival, MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai.

— New Ziana.

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