Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Pan-African Journal: Special Worldwide Broadcast Focusing on the Election Results in Zimbabwe--Hosted by Abayomi Azikiwe

For Immediate Release

Media Advisory
Monday August 5, 2013

Pan-African Journal: Special Worldwide Radio Broadcast Focusing on the
Election Results From Zimbabwe

To listen to this broadcast hosted by Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of the Pan-African News Wire, just click on the website below:

Imperialist states are seeking to cast doubt on the results of the harmonized elections in the Southern African state of Zimbabwe where official tallies have given the ZANU-PF party of President Mugabe over two-thirds of the votes. Nonetheless, the African Union (AU) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) have stated emphatically that the poll was free and fair.

Turmoil has continued in the North African state of Libya where the deputy prime minister of the rebel forces has been forced to resign. A proposed show-trial of the heir-apparent to martyred leader Col. Muammar Gaddafi is further revealing the destruction leveled against Africa's former most developed state.

The United States government is seeking to ignore the psychological profile of Fort Hood, Texas military shooter in the ongoing prosecution. Nidal Hassan is accused of killing 13 U.S. soldiers after being threatened with deployment to a predominately Muslim country by the Pentagon.

The newly sworn-in President of Iran has participated in an international day of solidarity with Palestine. The Day of Al-Quds has been commemorated around the world since the early days of the Iranian Revolution.

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