Friday, August 02, 2013

Political Parties Failed to Cite Anomalies, Says Zimbabwe Electoral Commission

Political parties failed to cite anomalies- ZEC

August 1, 2013
Herald Reporter

Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec) Chairperson Justice Rita Makarau has revealed that political parties failed to cite any anomalies in the Voters Roll during the Voter Registration exercise after the electoral body invited all stakeholders to identify irregularities on the electoral register.

This afternoon, MDC-T leader Mr Morgan Tsvangirai declared the 2013 harmonised elections “null and void” citing the “shambolic Voters Roll” as one of the main reasons for the decision.

In an interview with the Herald this afternoon, Justice Makarau said political parties had ample time to assist in the cleaning of the voters roll well ahead of polling.

“During the two voter registration exercises, we called on all stakeholders to raise any irregularities on the voters roll. To our surprise, not even a single stakeholder came to us to raise any anomaly,” she said, adding that it is surprising that some of the irregularities are being cited after polling.

She said the electoral body had been encouraged by the report made by the Sadc ECF that “no Voters Roll in the world is perfect”.

Justice Makarau said the status of the Voters Roll cannot be used to drown the views of the people.

“The Voters Roll does not vote. It cannot drown the views of the people,” she said.

She said the number of people who were turned away and those who were assisted to during the elections was normal.

Justice Makarau encouraged people to disregard unofficial election results saying ZEC is the only body mandated with announcing the poll outcome.

Meanwhile, head of the African Union Observer Mission and former Nigerian president General Olusegun Obasanjo has reiterated that the harmonised election held yesterday were credible and its outcome is reflective of the wishes of the people of Zimbabwe.

General Obasanjo said this soon after meeting President Mugabe to bid him farewell at State House this afternoon.

“I have been able to witness an election that is free… yes there are incidences here and there but they are not incidences that will flaw the election to the point of not reflecting the will of the people of this country, so we wish all the people of this country all the best,” he said.

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