Thursday, August 15, 2013

Syrian Army Units Continue Targeting Rebels

Army units continue targeting terrorists' dens and gatherings

Aug 15, 2013

Provinces, (SANA)- The Syrian Arab army on Thursday continued its national duty in pursuing the armed terrorist groups in different Syrian cities.

A number of armed terrorist groups in the villages and towns of Ein al-Jamajmeh, al-Jaberiyeh and Kweiris al-Gharbi in the countryside of Aleppo were wholly eliminated with all of their members killed on Thursday, a military source said.

The source told SANA reporter that the terrorists' weapons were also destroyed.

An army unit, the source added, destroyed 4 cars carrying weapons and ammunition for terrorists to the north of Kweiris Airport, while another army unit destroyed terrorists' gatherings along the equipment and weapons in al-Imam village.

A number of terrorists who had been committing acts of looting and blocking roads were killed on Daret Izza-Aleppo road in the countryside.

Several terrorists' gatherings were destroyed on al-Atareb-Aleppo road. Mnay of them were killed.

Army units target terrorists' dens in Aleppo

Units of the armed forces carried out a special operation against a terrorists' den, inflicting heavy losses upon them.

An official source told SANA that the army units destroyed Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists' den and an explosive devices' factory and warehouse full of ammunition, in addition to killing large number of terrorists in al-Jaloum neighborhood in Old Aleppo.

Terrorists killed in the area surrounding Abu Dhour Airport in Idleb countryside

Units of the armed forces targeted terrorists' dens and gatherings in the area surrounding Abu Dhour Airport in Idleb countryside.

A military source told SANA that the army units targeted terrorists' dens and gatherings in Tall al-Daman al-Hlweieh, al-Baraghiti and al-Dayri villages, killing and injuring scores of terrorists.

Army units kill large number of terrorists in Lattakia countryside

Units of the armed forces targeted terrorists' dens and gatherings in Salma and Doren villages in the northern countryside of Lattakia, killing and injuring several terrorists, in addition to destroying their equipment.

A military source told SANA that among the dead terrorists were Fayez Saleh Sarhani, Abu Moauia al-Ansari, Abdulrahman Kafal and Abdullazez al-Tayjari from Saudi Arabia, Makri Bakrawi, Ibrahim Darwish, Mustafa al-Batruni and Amen Darwish Dubi from Tunisia and Abdulrahman Abdullah from Egypt and Abdulrahman Mzayer al-Rashidi from Morocco.

Army units destroy terrorists' weapons loaded by boats in al-Rastan lake

Units of the armed forces destroyed terrorists' weapons and ammunition which were loaded by boats in al-Rastan lake, inflicting heavy losses upon terrorists.

An official source told SANA that the army units destroyed large amounts of weapons and ammunition loaded by boats in al-Rastan lake, killing all terrorists inside them.

Terrorists killed in Hama countryside

Units of the armed forces killed a number of terrorists in Abu Hanaya, Abu Hbailat and al-Mkaimen villages and arrested 4 terrorists in al-Hardaneh village in al-Salameh countryside in Hama.

Army units further advance in areas in Damascus Countryside

Army operation continued in Damascus and its countryside, with many terrorist groups' dens destroyed.

SANA reporter quoted an official source as saying that units of the armed forces achieved a remarkable progress in pursuing terrorists in the towns of al-Diyabiyeh ad al-Husseiniyeh in Damascus Countryside.

The source clarified that the army units carried out a number of operatiosn in the two towns in which they destroyed several dens for Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists along with the weapons and ammunition and killed many terrorists.

Bashar Hassan, Mohammad Abo Falleh and Adham Shalash were identified among the killed terrorists.

The source added that a number of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists were killed in Hijjeira town, including Fawz Hamid al-Wakaa, leader of an armed terrorist group.

An army unit clashed with terrorist groups in Harasta, leaving scores of terrorists dead and injured, including Anwar Omar.

Another army unit destroyed a terrorists' den with the weapons and ammunition inside it in Erbin town.

In Douma city, most members of an armed terrorist group, including its leader Mohammad Eid Haroun, were eliminated in the surrounding of the Industrial City.

Ten 100kg explosive devices found in tunnel in Damascus Countryside

In another context, a unit of the armed forces found a tunnel dug by terrorists in al-Mleiheh town. Ten explosive devices, 100 kg each, were found inside the tunnel.

The army units continued pursuing terrorists and eliminated a terrorist group's leader in the farms of al-Bahhariyeh and al-Ahmadiyeh. A heavy machine gun and a mortar were destroyed.

A number of terrorists were killed to the southeast of Tishreen Hospital in Barzeh neighborhood in the city of Damascus.

Other terrorists, including a sniper, were killed near a detergents factory in Adra al-Balad in the countryside.

Weapons warehouse destroyed in Deir Ezzor, scores of terrorists killed

in A unit of the armed forces repelled terrorists who were trying to infiltrate from al-Sina'a neighborhood into al-Rasafa neighborhood in the city of Deir Ezzor, an official source said.

The source told SANA reporter that most of the terrorists were killed, including Haroun Obeid al-Mheisin.

Other army units eliminated a number of terrorists in the neighborhoods of al-Jbeileh and al-Hweiqeh and destroyed their weapons and ammunition.

Terrorist Ahmad Khattab al-Rashid was identified among the dead.

The source added that a weapons warehouse for Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists was destroyed in al-Sha'tiyat area in the city of Abo Hammam in Deir Ezzor countryside. Scores of terrorists inside the warehouse were killed.

Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists' dens and gatherings were also destroyed in the towns of Moheissen, al-Shheil and al-Qouriyeh. Heavy losses were inflicted upon the terrorists.

Special operations carried out in Hasaka

Units of the armed forces carried out a number of special operations targeting dens for armed terrorist groups belonging to the so-called 'Ahrar al-Sham Brigade', 'Ansar al-Sharia' and Ahrar al-Tabqeh' in the town of al-Tweineh and the areas of al-Madajen and al-Sad al-Gharbi in Hasaka.

An official source told SANA reporter that the operations resulted in killing many of the terrorist groups' members and destroying their weapons and ammunition. Most of the killed terrorists are non-Syrian.

The source added that an attempt to detonate a 25 kg explosive device planted by terrorists on Amouda-al-Derbassiyeh road in the countryside was foiled.

Other army units destroyed terrorists' dens and gatherings in al-Mazloumeh and al-Bajareh villages in al-Kamishli countryside, killing and injuring several terrorists in al-Syeha, al-Tuineh and al-Mashtal villages in Hasaka countryside

Terrorist groups targeted in Daraa

Units of the armed forces continued targeting armed terrorist groups in Daraa province, inflicting heavy losses upon their dens and members.

SANA reporter quoted a military source as saying that a number of terrorists' dens in the town of Nawa, Tseel, al-Basaleh, Sahm al-Golan, Tafas and al-Hareh were destroyed along with the weapons and ammunition inside.

The source added that an army unit chased an armed terrorist group in Tariq al-Sad neighborhood in al-Nazihin camp and clashed with it, leaving many of its members dead and injured.

Terrorists killed, explosive devices detonated in Homs

In Homs, units of the armed forces repelled a group of terrorists who tried to attack a military post in al-Qusour neighborhood, killing and wounding all of them.

A military source told SANA reporter that the army units destroyed a number of dens and gatherings for terrorists in the neighborhoods of Bab Hood, al-Qarabis and Jouret al-Shayah in the city and the towns of Talbiseh, al-Ghanto, al-Dar al-Kabira and al-Rastan. All the weapons inside the dens were destroyed.

Meanwhile, an army unit foiled an attempt by terrorists to detonate 6 explosive devices they ahd planted near Shreifeh village junction on Homs-Palmyra road. The explosive devices were rigged to be detonated by remote control.

English Bulletin

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