Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Syrian President Sends Message to Iranian Leader

A message from President al-Assad to Sayyed Khamenei on relations between the two countries

Aug 07, 2013

Tehran, (SANA) – A message from President Bashar al-Assad to the Supreme Leader of the Iranian Islamic Revolution, Sayyed Ali Khamenei, on the relations between Syria and Iran was handed by Prime Minister, Dr. Wael al-Halqi, on Tuesday to Advisor of the Supreme Leader, Ali Akbar Velayati.

Velayati stressed that the distinguished and strategic relations between the two countries which were founded by late Imam Sayyed al-Khomeini and the Immortal Leader, Hafez al-Assad, entail greater responsibility to maintain and develop these relations in all fields, expressing wishes for the Syrian people to emerge from the crisis as soon as possible.

For his part, Dr. al-Halqi said, "Under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad and Sayyed Ali Khamenei, we will continue and develop joint work, particularly in the economic, commercial and developmental domains."

Dr. al-Halqi explained that the Syrian people managed to confront all challenges thanks to the support of friends.

The two sides also talked about the bilateral relations, particularly the economic and commercial ties between the two countries with the aim of accelerating the flow of Iranian goods and oil derivatives into the Syrian market and establishing joint projects that boost the capacities of the Syrian people and the national economy to confront the conspiracy.


Patriarch Yazigi emphasizes the importance of tolerance and dialogue in society

Aug 07, 2013

Damascus, (SANA)_ Patriarch John X Yazigi of Antioch and All the East for Greek Orthodox Church stressed the importance of safeguarding the values of tolerance, amity and fraternity as distinguishing features of the Syrian society.

The Patriarch also emphasized the necessity of fostering the culture of dialogue in a society whose main feature has been cultural diversity and richness.

During his meeting on Wednesday with Minister of Culture Dr. Lubana Mshaweh at the Patriarchate, Yazigi said one of the main objectives of the patriarchate is to showcase the commendable features of the Syrian society.

Minister Mshaweh underlined the significance of cooperation between the ministry and the patriarchate as to serve the common interests of both, expressing the ministry's desire to highlight Syria's genuine image as a country of culture, civilizations, amity and tolerance.

Mshaweh offered a work of art by the Syrian artist Hayyan Farroji to Patriarch Yazigi as souvenir on behalf of the Syrians.

M. Ismael

Rouhani: Solution to crisis in Syria is political and by Syrians themselves

Aug 06, 2013

Tehran, (SANA) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that the solution to the crisis in Syria can only be achieved by Syrians themselves who will decide their destiny through a political solution encompassing the government and the opposition and excluding terrorists.

In a press conference on Tuesday, Rouhani said that there can be no military solution for the crisis in Syria; rather the solution can only be reached through dialogue between all sides and the government to reach a solution accepted by all Syrians and concluding in democratic elections, stressing that the terrorist movements which shed Syrian blood must be excluded.

He stressed that resolving the crisis is primarily in the hands of Syrians, and that other countries must facilitate dialogue and refrain from interfering, sending weapons and arming terrorism, voicing Iran's readiness to cooperate with other sides regarding the upcoming conference on Syria in Geneva if it is invited to attend.

Rouhani said that the new Iranian government will prioritize achieving stability and security in the region and promoting development, asserting that the Iranian nuclear program is peaceful and that there will be no backing down from it, voicing readiness to engage in constructive talks regarding this issue.

He asserted that Iran will address the west using reason, logic, evidence, wisdom and morality.

Rouhani said the sanctions imposed on Iran target and pressure all elements of the Iranian people and affect their livelihood directly, and that they do not affect the Iranian nuclear program, adding that the Iranian people stood fast in the face of the sanctions.

He said his government will work to overcome the sanctions and the embargo, in addition to combating corruption, noting that the Iranian presidential elections accentuated the deep-rooted political and democratic process and revitalized it.

H. Sabbagh

Tehran: Conspiracy will be foiled by Syrian people

Aug 06, 2013

Tehran, (SANA) – Chairman of the Iranian Shura Council, Ali Larijani, stressed that the bilateral relations between Syria and Iran will witness a qualitative leap in the future to boost the developing and firm strategic relations between the two countries.

During a meeting with Prime Minister, Dr. Wael al-Halqi, Larijani explained that the universal war and conspiracy facing Syria cannot succeed thanks to the Syrian people who are determined to overcome them and rebuild the new and united Syria.

He stressed the support of the Iranian people to the Syrians through offering all kinds of economic, commercial and developmental support.

Larijani condemned the criminal attacks perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups which are aimed at destabilizing Syria, hoping the conspiracy against Syria will soon fall and the Syrian people will win.

For his part, al-Halqi highly valued the stances of the Iranian leadership and people towards Syria and their unlimited support to the Syrian people.

He expressed the Syrian government's commitment to develop the economic and commercial relations with Iran.

Iran's First Vice President stresses determination to consolidate cooperation between Syria and Iran

Iran's First Vice President, Ishaq Jahangiri, stressed the determination of the new government of Iran to consolidate cooperation ties between Syria and Iran and expand them to include all economic and commercial sectors.

Jahangiri's remarks came during a meeting with al-Halqi, in Tehran.

He emphasized Iran's support to Syria in face of the economic war as to meet the needs of the Syrian market.

For his part, Dr. al-Halqi thanked Jahangiri for his genuine feelings to consolidate relations between Syria and Iran, pointing out to the difficulties facing the Syrian economy due to the criminal attacks.

He reviewed the steps made by the Syrian government to beef up the capacities of the Syrian economy and to meet the needs of the Syrian people.

Tehran affirms strength of Syrian-Iranian relations

Assistant of former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Ali Saeedlou affirmed the depth of the historic and strategic Syrian-Iranian relations and the issues that bind the two countries.

Meeting Prime Minister al-Halqi, Saeedlou voiced satisfaction over the development in bilateral relations on all levels, voicing confidence in the Syrians' ability to overcome the current crisis.

He also denounced the crimes committed by armed terrorist groups against the Syrian people and Syria's economy, lauding the victories achieved by Syria on political, economical and military levels and in national reconciliation.

For his part, al-Halqi thanked Saeedlou for his efforts in improving bilateral relations, particularly in economic fields, lauding Iran's stances towards the events in Syria.

Al-Halqi voiced confidence that cooperation will move forward and grow thanks to the two countries' mutual desire to do so.

The two sides discussed various issues, particularly economic issues such as the export of Iranian goods to Syria and encouraging Iranian businessmen to start projects in Syria.

F.Allafi /H.Sabbagh

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