Thursday, August 15, 2013

ZANU-PF Set to Implement Campaign Promises

Zanu-PF set to Implement campaign promises

August 14, 2013
Herald Reporter

ZANU–PF is set to roll out a series of developmental programmes soon in fulfillment of its election promises following the revolutionary party’s victory in the harmonised elections, outgoing Defence Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa has said.

Minister Mnangagwa, who is also Zanu-PF Secretary for Legal Affairs, said it was pleasing to note that the Zimbabwe Defence Forces commemoration held on Tuesday coincided with the party’s election victory.

He was speaking on Tuesday at a dinner he held as part of celebrating the Zimbabwe Defence Forces Day.

“I am delighted that this year’s commemoration comes at a time when the country is celebrating the historical triumph of the Head of State and Government President Mugabe of Zanu-PF in the just-ended harmonised elections,” he said.

“The party is now set to roll out its social and economic programmes as applied in its election manifesto.”

Minister Mnangagwa said what delighted the ZDF most was the peaceful environment that existed during the holding of the polls.

He said it was pleasing to note that former Nigerian president General Olusegun Obasanjo who led the African Union election observer mission commended the elections as free, fair and peaceful.

General Obasanjo, said Minister Mnangagwa, had indicated that the Zimbabwean elections were one of the most peaceful elections that he had ever observed.

“That coming from Gen Obasanjo, we felt good and I will not elaborate,” said Minister Mnangagwa.

He said while the security forces were commended for ensuring peace during the election, Zimbabweans had demonstrated their desire to vote peacefully.

“It is the people of Zimbabwe who decided to be mature, to have elections peacefully and we give credit to the people,” said Minister Mnangagwa.

Zimbabwe, he said, was not worried by some Western countries who sought to discredit the election.

“We are not worried of people who cross seas and are not happy because we have other friends, close friends of us, who also come from far away, who are happy with us,” said Minister Mnangagwa.

The commemorations were also attended by ZDF Commander General Constantine Chiwenga, Zimbabwe Republic Police Commissioner General Augustine Chihuri and diplomats accredited to Zimbabwe, among others.

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