Thursday, August 08, 2013

Zimbabwe Elections Conform to SADC Rules, Says Mozambique President Guebuza

Elections conform to Sadc rules, says Guebuza

August 8, 2013
Fidelis Munyoro and Felex Share
Zimbabwe Herald

SADC chairperson President Arma-ndo Emilio Guebuza of Mozambique has congratulated President Mugabe and Zanu-PF for adhering to Sadc guidelines and resoundingly winning the harmonised elections last week. President Mugabe trounced MDC-T leader Mr Morgan Tsvangirai in the presidential contest, garnering over 61 percent of the vote to Mr Tsvangirai’s 33,9 percent and leaving the other three aspirants to share the remaining 4,97 percent while Zanu-PF scored a two-thirds majority after sweeping 160 seats in the 210-member National Assembly.

Cde Guebuza said the elections conformed to Sadc principles and guidelines governing democratic elections, joining Troika chair President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete of Tanzania, GPA facilitator President Jacob Zuma of South Africa, Namibian President Hifikepunye Pohamba, Cde Michael Chilufya Sata of Zambia, Mr Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria, the African Union, Comesa and African Caribbean and Pacific countries in congratulating President Mugabe and Zanu-PF on a crushing election victory.

“We would like to congratulate you, Mr President, on your re-election as President of the Republic of Zimbabwe. Your victory and that of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (Zanu-PF), in a landslide manner, at the 31st July 2013 harmonised and Sadc rules-based elections, create the conditions for striking your great country out of the Sadc agenda, as a stand-alone political item,” President Guebuza said.

Zimbabweans, he said, should be commended for the orderly and peaceful manner in which they conducted themselves throughout the electoral process.

“We, in Sadc, are also very proud and pleased that the political leaders of your beautiful country came together to provide the region and the world with this landmark event. Now you can all show the region and the world that you can continue working closely together to deliver greater prosperity to Zimbabwe and play your increasingly important role in Sadc and in other international fora,” President Guebuza said.

“While wishing you good health and success in the discharge of your noble duties, Mozambique and Sadc will remain Zimbabwe’s partners in facing the new, many and complex challenges ahead. Please accept, Mr President and Dear Brother, the assurances of my highest consideration and esteem.”

Congratulatory messages to President Mugabe and Zanu-PF continued pouring in yesterday flying in the face of MDC-T and its Western allies, Britain, the US and Australia, who continue picketing against the tide of African opinion.

In his message, Anglican Church of the Province of Zimbabwe Archbishop Dr Nolbert Kunonga described President Mugabe as a God-given leader.

Addressing a Press conference at his Stapleford farm, Archbishop Kunonga said God chose President Mugabe to deliver Zimbabwe from the Western monsters.

“Many people mistake me for a politician but I am a bishop, a clergyman, a prophet and catechist who follows the guidelines instructed by God.

“President Mugabe is a fearless leader and this is why we follow him and voted for him because of his principles,” he said.

Guta RaMwari Religion spokesperson Evangelist Gift Makawa commended Zimbabweans for voting wisely.

He described President Mugabe as a person with the nation at heart, a leader who protects Zimbabwe’s sovereignty.

“I urge Mr Tsvangirai, leader of the MDC-T to concede defeat to President Mugabe. He must not hold the nation at ransom for him to get power at the expense of the Zimbabweans. He must desist from the West and join hands with other Zimbabweans to develop our country,” said Evangelist Makawa.

Mr Tsvangirai, Evangelist Makawa said, should know that leaders were chosen by God and no human power could change that.

“I urge Zanu-PF who fought the liberation struggle and brought political independence to continue with its policy to empower people with land, indigenisation and youth empowerment,” he said.

Interim president of the Arab Republic of Egypt Counsellor Adly Mansour also congratulated President Mugabe.

“It is with immense pleasure that I extend to Your Excellency heartfelt congratulations on your re-election as President of your sisterly country,” he said.

“I wish all the best of success in achieving your assignments and realising the progress and prosperity your brotherly people aspire to. I also hope that relations between our two countries will witness more development and advancement.”

The 15 000-member strong Progressive Teachers’ Union of Zimbabwe, an erstwhile MDC-T ally, also congratulated President Mugabe and Zanu-PF on resoundingly winning the harmonised elections.

“Your Excellency, the Progressive Teachers’ Union of Zimbabwe with a membership of more than 15 000 would like to congratulate you and your party, Zanu-PF on winning the just ended harmonised elections by 61 percent and securing more than two thirds majority in the legislature,’’ PTUZ secretary general Mr Raymond Majongwe said.

“This in itself is a sign of confidence in your leadership by the people of Zimbabwe who have given you the sole mandate to form the next government until the next national plebiscite in 2018,” he said. Mr Majongwe expressed hope that the plight of civil servants, especially teachers, would improve under a Zanu-PF government.

Mr Majongwe said the union was disappointed that nothing was done to the former Public Service Minister Lucia Matibenga who never met the elected leadership of the Civil Service Apex Council to kick-start civil servants salary negotiations in terms of the Public Service (Joint Negotiating Council) Regulations of 1997 right up to the end of her term.

“As if this was not bad enough, no political party in the inclusive Government did anything to the Minister of Labour and Social Services who connived in the decimation and weakening of the labour movement through failing to handle the dispute in the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) resulting in workers across the political divide being left alone like sheep without a shepherd.

The union also implored President Mugabe to appoint competent and corrupt-free ministers to take the country forward.

It also expressed hope that the President would do his best to appoint men and women of integrity especially in the education, labour, finance, public service, mines and other social service portfolios so that there is an improvement of service delivery to the workers and citizens of Zimbabwe.

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