Friday, February 07, 2014

South Sudan Blasts IGAD As Talks Set to Resume

Thursday, 06 February 2014 12:32
Africa Report

South Sudan blasts IGAD as talks set to resume

By Beyene Geda

The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) says talks between representatives of South Sudan government and rebel forces are set to resume next Monday, amid criticism from Juba.

IGAD says the special envoys have sent invitation letters to the parties on the commencement of the second round of the negotiations on in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

What we know is that the JTC should have been formed first

The monitoring and verification teams will also be deployed to various sites in South Sudan based on the assessment report of the joint technical committee.

But South Sudan Information minister, Michael Makuei on Wednesday accused IGAD of violating last month's cessation of hostilities agreement between his government and rebels loyal to sacked vice-president, Riek Machar.

He said IGAD, which brokered the agreement, should have formed a joint technical committee comprising both negotiating parties to tackle the modalities, including establishment of a monitoring and verification mechanism.

"The IGAD advance team has already arrived in Juba without official communication to the government of South Sudan," Makuei reportedly told a meeting of different political party leaders in Juba.

"What we know is that the JTC should have been formed first before IGAD could send in the monitors."

IGAD, however, said there have been encouraging signs from all parties to find a peaceful end to the crisis.

"The parties have reiterated that violence and war is not and cannot be a solution to the crisis in South Sudan and therefore, are determined to negotiate and work towards an inclusive political dialogue for national reconciliation and healing," it concluded.

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