Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Syria Condemns Attempts to Destabilize Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Foreign Ministry: Syria condemns attempts of destabilizing Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Feb 18, 2014

Damascus, (SANA) – Syria condemns in the strongest terms the attempt of some sides to destabilize the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and topple its democratically-elected legitimate government and it declares complete support to the government of President Nicolas Maduro which was chosen in free elections by the Venezuelan people, Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said on Tuesday.

The ministry added that the Syrian Arab Republic's government is confident that the friendly Venezuelan government will overcome this ordeal soon and will maintain the achievements and heritage of late President, Hugo Chavez.

The Venezuelan government stressed that the US tried to support and give legitimacy to attempts of destabilizing democracy and stability in Venezuela.

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